Should I be worried? UPDATE | Arthritis Information


I have been running a fever for a week and a half.  It goes away if I take ibuprofen but I'm not supposed to take it often because I'm already taking an NSAID.  I made an appt for the 3rd of January (that's the soonest they can get me in) but then this morning my hands starting shaking.  It's not so bad that I can't type but I have trouble writing by hand.  Should I be concerned and try to get in early?  Should I keep taking the ibuprofen to get rid of the fever? amber39421.4742824074Howdy Amber!
I'm not saying you should be panicky-concerned, because I don't know what's going on for sure, but yes, I'd be concerned enough to try to get in to the doctor early.
Fevers don't last that long unless something is going on...and you don't want to kill off your liver taking ibuprofen on top of your NSAID.
Shaking hands are also not good.
Try to get in to see the doctor asap.
I hope you feel better soon! 
Are you De-Htdrated. It sounds like it?? I would get to the DR asapIt's possible that I'm dehydrated.  I try to drink lots of water but sometimes I fall down on the job.  Rd says they can't take me until the 3rd-- Dr. is out of town.  I wonder if it's worth it to see a GP? It might be worth it, in case its some bug or something like that.  I'd say go for it.  You really shouldn't wait another month when you've already had a fever for a week and a half. yea i would get in to see a GP.  I wouldnt wait till Jan w/ something like this.  Good luck and hope they figure it out.  Let us know what they say.I think you should try to get in earlier.  That's a long time to have a fever.Well I'm taking the day off tomorrow to get it checked out and hopefully kick the fever's rear so I can get back to work.  I knew it when the school secretary told me I looked like crap. LoL. Good, Amber, I'm glad you're going in sooner.  Let us know how you're doing. I's better to be safe than sorry Amber. Hope you're ok. Be sure to give us an update!! 

Hi, Amber! I hope your fever has let up. Let us know how that doctor's appointment goes and how you're doing.


Well the GP says that it's stress triggering a flare in my RA.  He says that low-grade fevers over long periods are much more likely related to RA than just a bug, and that I need to slow down.  He doesn't want to give me a new prescription because he can't increase my Mobic dose (I'm already taking 15 mg) and he doesn't want to start me on something  new without me seeing my RD first.  So the verdict is, get more rest, take tylenol for the fever, and don't work so much.

Unfortunately I was already doing the minimum that my job requires, so I can't slow down any more unless I quit.  I guess I'll work on getting more sleep and eating better.  Maybe the RD can write me a prescription in January for a new medicine-- I would like to go back on Celebrex if possible. 
Hey, Amber! Glad to hear it wasn't an infection that would cause you to go off your meds. I'm not sure what you do at work.... is there any way they can let you answer phones or something? Is there any way you could take some time off to recharge? I hope things get better for you soon. LoL I'm a teacher and I don't think I'd like a demotion to secretary, although our school secretary is wonderful.  The thing is, I decided to become a teacher after my RA diagnosis, and I knew what I was getting into.  It's an extremely high stress, high energy job.  I'm about to get two weeks off for Christmas, and then starting in June I'll have two months off, at which point I'll have to decide whether or not I can do this again.

Oh boy, Amber, you have a tough job.  You have to be "on" all the time.  I give you a lot of credit for hanging in there the way you do. 

You're right.  More sleep and a good diet will help. 

Thank you for giving us an update. 

Thanks Jesse, I couldn't do my job if it weren't for wonderful students and supportive parents.  Especially in high school, there's not a lot of support for the teachers in place.  I'm hanging on purely out of stubbornness, and because I don't know what I'd do if I didn't teach.  I'm sure it'll get better-- it always does :) Hey Amber!
I hope you feel better soon!  I'm glad you got in to see the GP tho!  I've noticed that when I'm in the middle of a bad flare, increasing my amount of sleep helps considerably.  I hope more sleep helps you feel better!

Out of curiosity, what grade do you teach?  I'm planning on being a high school Spanish teacher, as long as I get hired!  Lol.

Feel better!

Hi Amber

I hope you're feeling better today. It's good to hear that you got in to see your GP.

I can relate to the stress that you deal with every work day. I'm retired now, but I taught Grade one for 30 years. Financially it would have been better if I'd taught another 5 years, but my body just couldn't do it anymore. I was sleeping the weekends away, trying to recharge my batteries for the work week.

Teaching is very demanding job and we tend to wear many "hats".... educator, social worker, counsellor, nurse, surrogate mom or dad. Here are some ideas that may help you deal with the fatigue.  First of all, be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day and have healthy snacks o hand for when you need a pick me up. Get rid of your hard desk chair and ask your school to supply you with a comfortable padded chair that you can raise high enough for you to be comfortably seated while using an overhead projector. If you have parent volunteers, get them in to copy, collate, & staple papers. If you're doing a lot of prep work on the computer make sure you have a padded rest to support your wrists while you are typing.

Take care, Amber. Be sure to let us know how you're doing

Punkie39422.0387962963Kristen-- I teach high school art.  You'll get hired-- schools desparately need good Spanish teachers.

Punkie-- thanks for the tips :)  I was supposed to get a better desk chair but I haven't heard anything in awhile.  I should check on that.  I have a fridge in my room where I keep fruit, yogurt, and water.  The main issue I have is that I have a long commute and the drive wears me out as bad as anything.
