OT: I guess it’s my turn | Arthritis Information


I did not sleep well last night at all and when I woke up this morning even the hair on my head was stiff. I forced myself to get out of bed and start moving around. I thought today was going to be a good day because it is going to be warmer than usual. Blah. I was wrong. Oh well. I don't have much swelling, so that's a good thing. I wanna be a lump though! I'm tired and I hurt. Wah, wah, wah. I wish we had some family up here so I could have someone watch Baby Boy and sleep all day. That's not an option for me so I guess I'll just suck it up, take a vicodin and a hot shower and be on with my day.

Tomorrow will be better.

Hope everyone has a superfantastic and comfortable day!


Mel.  I am so very sorry you are hurting.  Try to plan some relaxing activities or have a blanket party.  I don't know how old your boy is, but if he is old enough to play bring some toys into the living room and just lay down on the couch and watch him. 

I wish I could be more of a help!

I'm sorry you're feeling icky.  Like Shelly said try to pamper yourself as much as you can today.  I hope you feel better soon. Thank you.

Forget about the vicoden, get up and get going, the pain will pass or you will get used to it. Did you know that your brain will actually mimmick your RA pain just to get the opiods? You are better off with low dose prednisone than you are doing opiods. Opiods cause depression, dependance and anxiety attacks. Get up, Mrs. Alexander, get going, if I'm wrong you can yell at me tomorrow.


Sorry to hear you are having a painful day, those days truly do suck.  Hopefully the baby will be good and you can take it easy.  Maybe the two of you can take a hot bath together and nap this afternoon.  Feel better.

Hi, LEV! I didn't know that about opiods. Your body actually tricks you into taking it?? Wow. I try not to take them often, but today was a must. Unfortunately, Prednisone makes me a heinous woman (and instant bottomless pit for food!) I'm slowly getting myself up and about. I know laying around all day will just make me feel worse later. This lady is moving.... just slowly!

Thank you for the kind words Amber, CG and Michele. It will get better!

I have never heard that about opoids lev.

I was on oxycodone  and other pain meds for several months for RA pain.  I couldn't work without them.  Too much pain.  When I started enbrel the pain decreased dramatically.  Within 4 weeks I forgot I even had pain meds. 

One day I just started to feel so much better I never had to open the bottle again.  Before enbrel, I got up and moved everyday, did water workouts and tai chi.  I have a family and kids so not moving is not an option.  Moving helped to some extent, but without opioids I would have been too disabled to work.

There is  phenomenon termed as opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH) that can cause pain from even a touch of a blanket.  But it is rare and found in patients on high doses of opioids.

People going through withdrawal may experience physical pain though.  Physical dependence is not the same as addiction (compulsive behavior).  Well managed pain relief with opioids is usually very beneficial to those of us in chronic pain.


Have you ever seen a heroin addict with-out heroin? Anyway, now you've heard of it: Add it to your information.

This is from the addiction hotline.


MaryBlooms, you ever seen an heroin addict without the drug? Do you think the addicts pain is real or manufactured in the brain. I'm very surprised you have never heard of it. It's a shame that we are so mean and uncaring to addicts.




One more thing, anxiety attack is a pain, a scarey pain. Anyone that has ever had an anxiety attack whether drug induced or other knows that just thinking about an anxiety attack will bring on an anxiety, they are deadly.




Hugs! Hope tomorrow is better and that the vicoden kicked some of the pain... everyone needs there turn to vent :) sounds like such a smart cute baby, feel betterAw, Mel~ I'm sorry you're having such a bad day.  Hope tomorrow is better for you.  Wish I could help.MrsA...I am so sorry you're having a bad day. It's so frustrating when you think it's going to be a good one and then BAM!!!!! Reality sets in... I hope you feel lots better Mrs. A. 

Yes, lev I have seen heroin addicts.  I have worked in healthcare for years.  Withdrawals from the physical dependence can cause physical pain.  What I have never heard of is using the opioids correctly with a physicians monitoring causing physical pain (other than the instance I mentioned.

 Many people are prescribed opiods for pain (just look at all the people on this board) and do not become "addicts".  When the pain is relieved the need for the opioid is no longer there.   It's 1:30 and I'm hoping that you're feeling better by now.  The Phantom of the Opera always takes my mind off the pain. . . I could look at Gerard Butler all day long, creepy mask or not . . .

I don't think there's anything wrong with taking a Vicodin when you need it, just as long as you don't overdo it.  Feel better.

Hello, everyone! I'm feeling a little bit better. The baby and I actually got out of the house for a while. I had a couple of packages to mail overseas. We have a cousin and brother/BIL currently serving. The post office was packed! I feel more tired now that I did earlier though. Guess I'm running out of steam and I'll probably take a nap while Baby Boy takes his.

Wow.... I didn't know all that stuff about vicodin. That's scary!! I don't think I'll ever fall into the addicted category though. It makes me feel sick at the stomach usually (and it also causes getting "stuck"). Thank goodness I only take it every once and a while. I really appreciate the heads up. Thank you!


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