compression sleeves/gloves for swelling | Arthritis Information


Our OT gave us the number of a business here that sells compression 'garments'.  I was interested in gloves for my daughter.

They said they would have to make a custom one for her, because of her age.  One (not a pair) would be about 0.

We will seriously consider this, after the holidays and after we see the new AP dr.  Heck, I might spring for it now, because they work so great, but something tells me just get this next visit out of the way.

The woman who makes them was very nice and I told her that the sleeve we have works great on the wrist, that it reduces swelling a thousand times better than Motrin 3 x day ever did.  I told her was surprised that we had to learn about it from the OT; I said I was surprised the doctors never mentioned it.  

She wasn't surprised at all.   

I use compression gloves by Isotoner.  I think they helped a lot with the swelling.  The seams are on the outside and they fingertips are uncovered so that I can pass out papers and type.  They only cost me or so on the internet.  I don't know if they make them small enough for children though.

Hi, Suzanne! Goodness, that's a lot of money! I know it's custom and all, but those are for little hands. You'd think it wouldn't be that high. Who knows though.... I don't know what all goes in to creating the gloves. If it makes your daughter more comfortable though, I'm sure money doesn't matter. We'd go to the ends of earth for our kiddos, right? 

I hope you have a superfantastic day and your daughter is extra comfortable! Thank you both!

Mary, I didn't know Isotoner made them, so I will check around the web and see what I can find. We definitely want the fingers out, too - she will sleep in it, and she likes feel her "lovey" blanket.

Even though it is a lot of money, and I'd love to find something not custom since she will outgrow them, I also know how well the sleeve works for her wrist! Motrin did nothing nothing nothing for her wrist, and cost a pretty penny over time of you add that up - 3 x day, plus Prevacid everyday she was on it to protect her stomach, plus liver labs because she was on so much, plus copays to get her checked out because she still had a lot of stomach pain on it, anyway......actually, 0 bucks from the get-go would have been a bargain financially; emotionally, priceless..... I was wearing compression socks last year when my ankles and feet were so swelled and they really did help.  I also have really bad hand swelling and would buy cotton gloves to wear around the house and while I slept and while they weren't compression just the little bit of pressure they did provide, helped.  I say they would be a worthy investment. Suzanne, if you have not found what you are looking for I can recommend Thermoskin arthritic gloves. They do not come small enough for my hands, but a cleaver shoe repair store owner customized them in little more than ten minutes at minimal cost.

One of the advantages of Thermoskin is that they are sold in pairs at a, for me, reasonable cost. While certain not comparable with the psi and durability of custom made gloves, they are more than serviceable and they lauder well and dry quickly.

The online store where I purchase them currently has a _special price_. PM me if you would like the link. *LOL* mentioning the brandname twice undoubtedly exceeds advertising tolerance of the board.

Cheers. Happ

Hi Suzanne and all

Does anyone know if  compression garments for the knees are made/would work for my daughter Becky (10)? Her knees are currently the  most swollen joints in all the affected joints in her body. Haven't heard about any compression garments AT ALL


That is the frustrating thing - we only heard about them after over a year, and it was from an OT!!!  I don't know what the drs. have against trying something benign to see if it helps.  I even reported to the dr. how much I thought the sleeve had helped, but it was just brushed off.

The OT explained that the compression improves the circulation, keeping the joint warm so there is less stiffness and pain, and also reducing swelling.  The garments we are discussing are safe to sleep in and won't cut off circulation like wrapping an elastic bandage or something would. 

I've seen elastic knee wraps in our drug stores - I would check those out, and see if they are marked as safe to sleep in.  I really think it would be worth trying, to see if it helps her in the morning.

Thanks to everyone else for the suggestions, too!   

Okay, I took a minute to google around.  The Isotoner site has a pair for 19.99.  According to the size chart, she could actually wear the small (by measuring around her hand at the knuckles).  But I know the fingers would be really long!  I guess for twenty bucks, I could order them and see if they would unravel if I cut the fingers off to the right length.  We only need to compress two of her fingers, anyway, so maybe I could cut eight down so she could feel, and leave the two we need long.

I showed the picture of them to her and asked if she would wear them.  She said no LOL.  Wish they came in pink!  
