Tomorrow is... | Arthritis Information



I get to go to Wal-Mart and gimp around, while all the while people are looking at me like I am a FREAK! Oh joy, joy.

To make up for all the looks. I am getting Macky D's and Arby's...woohoo!!

Ya'll ever see anyone so happy to get

Wish I could go.  You could limp-push me in my wheelchair, and we'd get plenty looks!  LOL

Please report back your goody purchases!

And I could go too and while you ladies are doing the "limp-push", I could open the door for you if I could grab the handle with my wonderfully shaped RA hands that closely resemble something out of the movie "The Claw." 

Goin to a Eatfest.....My kind of Friday!

Yep, yep!! The best kind of Friday, Allen!

Sounds like we would turn Wal-Mart into FREAK-Mart LMAO!!

But would be great to have folks I can keep up with and not have them stop to wait on me to catch up to


LOL!!!!!!!!!!! you two.  Yeah what a scene we'd make at Freak-Mart.  Don't know bout Joonie's driving/pushing skills though.

I have claw hands, too, Allen.  Or shall I call them ROOSTER hands!


Oh didn't I tell you? I have been banned from pushing my son around in a I am kidding!!


    Anyone seen a rooster around here?



LOL I need to go find a rooster getting shoot lol. Do not know how well Pam anderson and PETA will like that graphic...LMAO!!

Maybe we need to ship the rooster to Pam Anderson

I have been sitting here on this board for almost 5 hours straight. I have wondered off to my usual sites (eBay, Hotmail, OSWD, and a few google searches), but I have been on here a majority of my night.

If I keep this up I will surpass Lovie!

Can you tell I have no life outside of my

jooniper38589.9256712963Jooniper, I love to read your posts.You make me laugh.Back ot the walmart thing... is it normal for the person doing the pushing to make racecar noises and loudly threaten to leave you somewhere?  

OMG!! LMAO!! That would be awful!! Drawing much more un-needed attention to us. It will be called "Crazy Freak-Mart"!

Yeah, Allen is walking away from us, right about now, saying "I do not know those people, I was just being polite and opened the door for them."

"These people"?

You are the one making race-car noises.

I put a bag over my head and pray for a major disaster, or sumpen.


I know that is why Allen is walking about telling folks he does not know us! LMAO!!

Get that bag off your head what fun is it if people cannot see you?

The reason I asked about the pusher making race car noises...and threatening to leave the pushee places is it's happened to me...swear!   when i was preggers with bastian, my fibro was horrible.  mentally, i wanted to be doing, it was around christmas...i needed out of the house.  so we put me in a wheelchair...push type as at the time, i didn't feel coordinated to use the motorized carts...and also, mood swings of a pregnant woman and all.   so he'd push me...and make noises and even tip me when we went around corners...etc.   then if i'd make a smart alec remark...he'd loudly threaten to just haul me to sporting goods and leave me there and he'd always add since i know you can't push yourself... got some  weird looks from people til they saw me laughing like a loon at him.  he has a way of sounding serious when he isn't. 

LMAO!! I would have been rolling in the floor laughing @ the sight of that... Hubby would be saying "It's not nice to laugh at people to where they can see you." Yeah, yeah whatever hubby talk to the foot that is raising up from the laughing girl on the floor! jooniper38590.4630787037As I typed that lil story...Gar asked me to do a favor.  In my normal, evil wayney fashion, I said no not gonna do it.  And he jokingly said don't make me hurt you.  Which always makes me laugh as it is so easy to hurt me that it wouldn't take much which cracks me up.   But if it were the other way around, I'd be like you, laughing outright.  We gotta get that hubby of yours to see it's ok for us gimps to laugh at other gimps!!! 

I think the best thing that happened one of the multiple times was when a lil old lady actually leaned over to say she'd not put up with that from him and it was disgraceful...he'd stepped away...when I told her that I was new to needing a wheelchair and that this was his way of helping me accept it, she changed her tune fast and just cracked up. 

LOL! what a great story, Wayney

wayney that was a funny story... i could see my husband saying something like that.... my hubby too has a tendency to say things that are jokes but they sounds serious.

kelsaysmommy38590.4995717593A man with a sense of humor is a delight! Unless of course he is also a tease. I always hurt my hands when I whack him one.

I see you are back in the USA now.

Wayney your husband sounds like alot of fun.That was a great story.


I agree Sheila.  Us is one thing, but NOT our kids!

Ok you have gimp me.. and my friend who had gastric bylass AND a broken foot... i go in and get her a scooter and i walk with her.. or i push her in her chair...

You should see us at the movies... the doors are BARELY wide enough and i have to get a running start... hee hee and i CANT RUN!!!!!!

I LOVE Walmart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what started Wal-Mart being called Freak-Mart. I am jooniper.

I miss to good ole days

Anyways BUMP

Oldies but goodies, Joonie!


Peace & Love.....Neasy
