Healthy Mix Of GI Tract Microbes Are Key | Arthritis Information

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This research relates to us - and - I think it explains JRA too.


Yeah I've read a few stories like this one, there was one in the newest Newsweek. I think things like this could explain, or at least lead to the answer for A LOT of diseases. I don't think it's the cure, per say, but at least a good direction to head in.

When I first started my Crohns research for Justin, I found oodles and oodles of article like this one! And that's actually where I FIRST heard about AP therapy.

I think I posted that when I first got sick I found a stem cell researcher working on hyperpermeable gut linings and cystic fibrosis.  Now that's supposedly a totally genetic disease - so this guy thinks he can ....what....mitigate the progression of the disease?  I mean, it blew me away.

What interests me lately is exactly what they said in this article.  Maybe you had a bad infection (my 3 bouts of pneumonia???) and never took probiotics (no doc has ever mention/prescribed them for me in the past) and you get exposed to another microbe coupled with a bad processed food diet and AI disease. 

What's worrying me is the genetic changes our cells seem to go thru trying to run off of this disrupted flora.  I don't think just dumping in probiotics is the answer...but it's a damn good start.

Oddly, it's only in the last 2 months that I keep coming up with the IBS/Chron's links to the gut.  I mean, it seems logical to me, NOW, but in the beginning I was working from the joints in - seems like you've been working from the GI tract out.

I think this was the article that mentioned mother's milk to formula and then baby food to adult food all working together to disrupt the little cilia.

Or, I'm wrong...


Well, I have been taking a lot of various probiotics as well as eating probiotic
and prebiotic foods and it does seem to be making a positive difference as
well as settling down some minor pooh issues.

My favourite probitoic/prebiotic snack is a kefir and berrie smoothie.

That's on my list for the New Year - get those darn kefir grains!


Pip, that's on my "to do" too, but in the meantime I am using store bought
organic kefir. It's probably not as good or bacteria rich as homemade would
be, but it will do for a stopover. It gets kind of expensive, though, 'cause I
use half a container for each smoothie.

I'm also still working on pickle recipes in my "perfect pickler", for probiotic
vegetables. So far I have kind of messed up each batch in a different way
(just flavour-wise) but the veggies sure get all cloudy, which means they are
teaming with probiotic bacteria! I recommend The Perfect Pickler for those
wanting to increase their probiotic food intake!

Can you send me info on the pickler?  I was talking to the hubby about it.  I'm hoping Santa gets an 'idea'.


Pip, here's the website:

The pickles are a little odd at first, because they are just made with celtic sea salt and no vinegar (if you like vinegar flavour you can add it after pickling, though). I really like the sauerkraut, but I've only tired making it once so far. You can jazz it up with apples and stuff.

Thanks for the web address Gimpy.  These would make a unique gift for Xmas.  