I just checked in a bunch of Drug Reps... | Arthritis Information


Who were very sleazy. I sure wish I knew what company they worked for. They proceded to stand in the lobby together and speak loudly and at length about how much money they could make off this next deal, and how many "ill patrons" their drug "attracted"


This part is just me being mean probably...

The last guy I checked in stayed on the phone the entire time, talking to who I can only guess was his son as he just kept saying "Don't cry buddy, I don't miss that many things. I know you have a performance tonight, but I don't want to hear you cry about it." "you can just call me when it's over and tell me how it went. Oh, you're going to tape it? Even better then you don't have to call me, I don't want to hear about it. I'll just see it later."

Was this man brain dead? There was serioulsy NO compassion in his voice what-so-ever.


The gang is currently headed out to the beach to watch the sun set. One of the older ladies told one of the newer girls "you can't wear jeans, that's tacky" O.o


I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Am I over-reacting?

OMG those people need to get kicked HARD.   How sad for that mans son.....what an IDIOT...
No your not over-reacting Katie...

Katie has been INVADED BY COCKA ROACHES!!! Hurry!!! Get the bug spray out and make a "protective" circle around you with that bug spray. They have cooties and it is catching!

Did ya ask them what kind of drugs they are handing out? heehee

Ooooh, listen and report back any shenanigians!  Somebody was telling me about being in an elevator with them...something...it was frightening.



Hey Katie,
I've sent you a PM.  Please take a look.

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