Crispy How are you? | Arthritis Information


Crispy how are you doing today? Better? Did you take benedryl and contact your RD this morning?

Was worried about ya last night.

Me too Crispy.  Hope all is well.

I just posted on the other thread a little while ago.  Didn't wake up until almost 2pm.  Head and throat hurting lots.

Tried to get hold of my RD's partner.  Left message for him to call and why, but he didn't and it doesn't look like he is going to at this point.  It's awful when you have an RD like mine who is always right on top of everything,makes me expect more than I get from other docs .  I even have his cell-phone number.  He has been out of the country since the 19th of Nov. cause his father is very sick, so who knows when he will be back.

Anyway, I guess I better not take the Imuran tonight.  I am supposed to leave for a long planned vac to Mexico on the 14th and I wanted all the up-in-the-air treatment stuff to be figured out and settled on before the trip.  Oh well, just gotta go with the flow.  I guess I will just take extra pred.

Linccn and Joonie, thank you guys and everyone else fo helping me get through last night.  I have never really gone online panicked like that before and was unsure whether I was doing the right thing by asking for help.  You guys and all the others that talked me through the really bad hour were so helpful and i will never forget your kindness.

Thanks again.


I'm so glad you're doing better today, Crispy.  I hope you're able to have a wonderful trip.  Enjoy. Well, glad to hear you are better. I hope your trip goes well.