Low Dose Prednisone & Adrenal Suppression | Arthritis Information


After reading Chico's November 21st posting on "Good Riddance Pred", I followed up on a link he had posted regarding "Low Dose Presdisone and Adrenal Suppression".

http://general-medicine.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/1993/101 9/1

I found this link very interesting as I am down to 3mg of Prednisone per day. So I paid a visit to my doctor and showed her the article I had printed ; she was very interested in it. She is sending me for a "morning Cortisol" test, which will determine if my Adrenal glands have kicked in automatically or (have spontaneous recovery of my HPA axis function)

I will let you know how the results turn out.
sorry, but there seems to be a space in the link that I posted, it should be:

http://general-medicine.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/1993/101 9/1

sue Hi Sue, glad it was helpful! Just thought I'd better say I'm a girl (albiet an old one) not a boy! lol. I'm a great Marx Brothers fan, hence the name chico39421.8776157407

Sue,  You didn't correct the extra space problem in your link.  For those who try cutting and pasting, when you get the link in the address bar, delete the space near the end between 101 and 9/1.  Then it works fine.

Thanks, Sue, for the info.

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