I Fell Again! | Arthritis Information


These doggies are out to kill me

 Crossed the gate a thousand times...the last time my flip flop caught on the gate top.

 Was carrying food and water bowls, they went up in the air and landed on me.

I lay there probably 15 minutes til the feeling came back...nothing broken thank the Lord.  My leg is scraped and bruised, my ribs are sore,  my back, knees, and feet are throbbing, and I have raised welts on top of my feet and down one leg.

If I'm able to move tomorrow I'll be thrilled.

Hope everyone had a better day.


 LOL Thanks Cathy, I'm hobbling to the medicine cabinet now. I am such a klutz!



I feel for you, when she falls, she hits hard.  I just keep waiting for the day i do that, but i am soooooo afraid of falling (i get dizzy and fall toward walls) that i don't go anywhere without my cane.

God bless and heal quickly!

Moana, I am so sorry you had another fall, do you take anti-inflammatories?  I think you may need them for the next few days!  Remember to get checked if you have any doubts.  Be careful and try to stay vertical in future.  Hugs Janie.


 Thanks for the well wishes everyone...just took tylenol and a Flexeril. I can't take anti-inflams because of stomach issues...wish I could. I have stronger pain meds but will wait til tomorrow to see if I need the big guns.

Thank goodness I didn't hit my head! I'm wacky enough as it is!

Dang Skippy, Mo!!  Sounds like you got banged up pretty good.  You're probably going to hurt worse tomorrow, that's the way of things.  Hope it won't be too bad.  At least you got your cleaning done so you can take it easy tomorrow.

Oh Mona, I am so sorry you fell again! I do that, too, on a regular basis, and I think that scares me more than anything. I understand about just laying there for a while. It takes a few minutes, at least, to get your wits together and decide if you've broken anything.

I know you will be sore tomorrow. If you feel up to it maybe a nice warm shower (or bath, if you are able), take an anti-inflammatory or something similar, and lie down. Hopefully you will be able to sleep tonight.

The last time I fell, after hitting the window sill with my face, I took out a wooden tv tray with my ribs and I honestly thought I had broken a rib or two. That hurt for the longest time. Maybe you should consider unlatching the gate instead of climbing over it? What do you think?

Did your puppies kiss you and try to make it better, or did it scare them too much?

Please be careful, Sweetie. I guess someone's going to have to remind you every morning to "BE CAREFUL!"

Try to have a peaceful night.

Gentle hugs, Nini


Yep Link and I'm sueing you for plagerism!

The thing is I'm only half through with my cleaning.

Nini the stoopid gate is one of those that has rubber stoppers on the ends to stick to door frames. No gate.

The puppies just layed there with me and looked scared...the little one didn't even try to excape!

The thing is I'm only half through with my cleaning.

NO!  Step.... away...... from..... the cleaning supplies.  

You need to rest.  I'm sorry you got hurt.  Please take this as a perfect excuse to give yourself some TLC.

[QUOTE=Jesse88] Please take this as a perfect excuse to give yourself some TLC. [/QUOTE]


Oh Mona gives herself "TLC" all the time...

take care

Ok ever seen the move "Face Off" with Nicholas Cage & John Travolta? You know the part when when they are in that jail and it is all magnetized and the boots they were move just barely off the floor and when they get put on Lock-Down they are on Lock-Down?

Well... I think that is what type of flooring Mo'Nana needs in her house.

Or like Katie said wrap up in bubble wrap probably mre cost effective anyways.

I sorry you fell again. Throw away the FLIP FLOPS! They will be the death of you! I mean you will make the news... woman dead by flip flops.

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