Here my Rhummy Goes Again | Arthritis Information


As most know, i have had problems with all my doctors lately and have been waiting on the humira ok.

Well, almost 2 weeks went by with no word from them so i called my rhummy to ask if she signed the paper and the nurse says "no, we need a TB test done first".


First, why didn't they say that weeks ago, or months ago?

Second, they had it done by another doc a year ago and had me send them the paper work cuz i was supposed to be on this stuff last year bug "she forgot".

The great part though was that when i went to drop the paperwork off there was a court person taking statements on some sort of problems between her a patient which i would "totally" expect.  We had a good laugh about her on that and prayed that the person was ok.

Just drives me bonkers.

?? I wonder how long they would have waited to tell you about the tb test.  Frustrating. To say the least.Are you looking for a new rheumy???  I'm seeing red flags everywhere with this one you have now - especially with a court person in the office!

There are none around besides her.  That's what i get for living in a small town.

I can go to the next one with an opening about 3hrs away, but can't make the car ride.

Sorry, bubbagump. I had an RD like that. And just think of this... I did not have a TB test done before I started Humira with my last RD. He never mentioned it and neither did any of his nurses. Yep... so if I had TB I would have been SOL. He was an old RD in his early 80's.

While I was in the waiting room of my new RD, there was a lady in there, and she asked where I was from... turned out we use to go to the same RD and live in the same city. She left him for the same reason I did, because he was forgetful and was not doing a good job.

I now go to an RD that is an hour away, where my old RD was only 7 mins away.


Ok Bubba between your rheumy and mine, gosh I think we have gotten to the bottom of the pile!!  I think yours is definitely farther down than mine.  I hope you are doing some RD shopping!

Ugh! How frustrating!! They are totally lacking....   This one you've got, is he the only RD in your town? Or is it that all the other RDs are completely booked and the one that's 3hrs away is the only one with slots available? It just amazes me that there are so many people that have RA and the doctor's days are completely booked, yet the disease doesn't seem to get the attention it deserves in the media. I guess that's my gripe for the day. I've met my one-a-day quota.

Hope you have a superfantastic and comfortable day!

I may go to the one in Indiana when the weather clears ( if he will even take me as a patient again) and get blood work and stuff going to see where I am at that point, but I will tell you, for up here, I am just fed up with them.

THe RD's around here do not listen. The ones that do, well good luck trying to make an appt as a new patient.  ANNNND! lol  Good luck trying to finance the appt as well!

I have been doing this since 1991, November to be nearly exact. I am just sick of the challenge and going against the grain of it all. SOmeday I will be back in Indiana, maybe, with daughter  and family so I will just hold on a few more years for that. Dunno what else to do. THe winters here in Michigan are just TOO DARNED  BITTER COLD FOR ME! And it is just to darned hard to manage the pain.

