Cold feet ?? | Arthritis Information


Anybody here get this. Also maybe cold hands. I have Raynauds so maybe thats why but lately it's pretty bad. ESP my soles and even my calves....

Yes; I have Raynauds also and right now in fact my big toes feel numb. I'm really not that cold....but my feet are.

Going in and out of the cold activates it for me. Especially in my hands. That becomes very bothersome.

I looked up Raynauds... and I don't think I have that. My feet and hands are usually always cold though. I figured I just have poor circulation.

Hope everyone is having a superfantastic and comfortable day!

If say my fingers get very cold they turn pure white and have no feeling. Scary. You have to warm them asapMy feet and hands are always cold, if I go outside, they just get numb. I have always attributed it to my extremely low blood pressure. Yes I have Reynaud's too and my feet and hands are a mess! This cold weather kills me. My fingers are so sensitive. If they are cold, they get white, then as I warm them, gradually the turn grey, to purple and then to a bright red. Lately I've notice that my cuticles are all dry and sore. Sore actually doesn't even begin to explain how they feel. Feet take hours to warm up. i got home yesterday about 3 o'clock and by maybe 7pm (after walking around in my Ugg boots in the house!) they started to "thaw' out. It's so bothersome and uncomfortable in the winter.

Feet much more so than hands, but then I always wear gloves.  I noticed a couple days ago that my toes were freezing then going numb.  This was when I was driving and I had on socks and tennis shoes. I haven't noticed the white fingers thing, but I know it takes hours for my hands and feet to get warm.

Meanwhile, the rest of my body is sweating..........soooo not fair!

My nose is even cold to the touch CONSTANTLY. and red, although I just thought it was like that because it sticks out so far from the rest of my body! LOL (which may still be the case) haha 

thanks 6t5 for bringing this up.

Bad thing, is there's no treatment other than the obvious - keep warm. I don't think I have Raynaud's, but I do have the freezing cold hands and feet.  Sometimes it's just one hand or one foot.  I also get hot spots on my body with inflammation and pain (like forearms).  I'm a whole weather map.

Thinking about getting one of these

I also have Raynauds. Fun stuff! I actually learned something the other day as to why they turn the colors they do. When they turn white, it means they don't have as much blood circulating through and when they turn purple, it is loss of oxygen. Once you get them warm, they turn bright red, which means a rush of blood to the area... I thought that was interesting, here I've had it 10 years and never knew what the colors meant... Yes... My hands and feet stay cold and if they are exposed to cold it hurts! I get chills sometimes all over.

Try non-itchy wool blend socks. I think they keep me a lot warmer. I love smartwool hiking socks but they are expensive. Also try to keep your whole body wamer which helps. You might try cuddleduds or silk long underwear.  I just got a dual control heated mattress pad for my bed - ahhhhhhhhhh

