More Jedi Mind Tricks: Week 6 | Arthritis Information


So I saw my Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner again this week. Ever since my last visit when she told my body to deal with my contact dermititis my contact dermititis has been worse than usual. (I'd like to take this moment to note I never previoulsy mentioned my contact dermititis to her---she just started working on it out of the blue. Boy, the things she knows). I asked her if she could have possible done it backwards or in reverse, haha! She said she hated to use the term "healing crisis" because it has the word 'crisis' in it, but as an APer I am no stranger to the healing crisis concept. I herx therefore I am infected. She said contact dermititis is the worst because the fastest way for your body to get rid of toxins is throught the skin, and so when you're dealing with a problem of the skin it can get ugly. However, since my last visit it seems the contact dermititis has calmed down again.

Then there was a lot of acupuncture. She put in a bunch of the needles and did some laser acupuncture on my toes, which I am grateful for because for some reason needles in my toes creeps me out. I have this one stubborn pain spot on the top of my right foot that will hurt when nothing else will (it's also where my RA started). It was bothering me last week but since my acupuncture the pain is gone!

She had a bunch of new external pernicious factor vials she was excited about, so she did some of that arm testing thing on me, where she would ask me a question and then push my arm down with two fingers while I tried to resist. I have heard of that before but no one has ever done it to me. I have also read from detracters that it's an illusion like "stiff as a board, light as a feather" but when I had it done I realised that could not explain it. She had once before demonstrated muscle response to me, by pushing my arm and getting me to say "My name is Robin" (my real name), and then say "My name is Sam" (not my real name). When I said my real name I could resist her push, but when I said my fake name I could not resist. She said that's because my brain and body will recognise and untruth and there's a moment of disconnect while it deals with the discrepency between what I said and reality, and that moment of disconnect allows her to push the arm down.

So she was doing that with a pathogen and she said it's all gone except for 5% on the molecular level. That is the molecular memory of what that pathogen is making my body do (attack my joints).

She then did a kind of emotional release therapy trick which she called the "Too Good to Be True" release, where I could rid myself of any subconscious doubt that RA can be cured. I said I already had no doubt it can be cured. She said this would deal with any last even teeny itty bitty doubt. I think she meant specifically JMT can cure it. I think there are multiple cures.

So that is this week's report. I have been feeling really great the last few weeks, despite my further reduction of MTX. Is it the AP or the JMT? Acronyms, I heart you!

Hi Go-Go! Once again I want to thank you for sharing your experiences.

Have you considered adding a Qui Quong  work-out to the JMT? *LOL* I just realized I may be making an assumption--with all its implications--and you may well all ready be moving with the energy of Qui Quong...

In the past I have found Qui  Quong to be a  great way to loosen up stiff joints, reduce  fatigue, and induce  a low-level endorphin "high"  which further reduces stiff joints and fatigue.

Unfortunately the small store front herb and alternative healing shop was not met with  local support and has closed. Alas, I admit it I  am currently not very self-motivated and I NEED someone to get me up and get me going.

As an off-topic side note I will be making a visit to my curandera later in the month: I can hardly wait.

Con brio! Happ
This is very interesting to me. Have either of you done any sort of dietary manipulation or supplements such as fish oil?

Some people end up with very bad skin symptoms from eating either allergenic foods or foods that you do not tolerate, but are not allergic to. She is right on about detoxing through the skin. Epsom salt baths draw out toxins too. I should do that more...

slbridges, I take large doses of fish oil daily. It really helps control inflammation! My TCMP does prescribe Chinese herbs to some of her patients, but she asked my body if it needed anything and it said it was getting everything it needed already so I don't take any of those.

I know probablya key factor missing in my healing regime is diet. I just haven't worked myself up into a gluten free existance yet! It's kind of silly because I actually know several people who live GF and it's no big deal. There's all kinds of restaurants and bakeries 'round these parts that sell all kinds of GF alternatives, so it shouldn't be that tricky. I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Happ, the main hospital of Vancouver has a Qi Gong/Reiki clinic attached to the TCM school where you can get 45 minutes of Qi Gong from 2 students and an instructor for , (I was told about this in Arthritis School), but I haven't gone because my pain levels have been very good for the last 3 or 4 months. It's actually hard to tell if the JMT is helping because I go in feeling pretty good and I leave feeling pretty good. This is the problem with doing two different alternative therapies at the same time! The AP seems to be working pretty well, but maybe it is a combination of the AP and JMT that makes me continue to improve. I posted on the APer log that I saw my RD last week and she couldn't find any inflammation or arthritis, and my labs are VERY good. I still have days where I have some pain (today) and other arthritic problems, so I will continue to focus many of my resources on improving health.

It's a bummer about you alternative healing shop closing. Often I dream of living in a more rurual setting, but I have to admit I like the convenience a large urban centre has to offer, especially a hippie woo-woo place like Vancouver.
