Lortabs & S-E-X | Arthritis Information


Ok... hubby has pointed out to me when I take Lortabs any mg I tend to be a little horny hobbit prevert. He keeps offering me Lortabs. I asked him why, and he said he liked how they made me.

Does anyone else experience this?

I've never taken Lortabs, so I wouldn't know. What I do know is that Vicodin turns me into Chatty Kathy! My poor husband, all he wants me to do is shut up but I can't make my motor mouth stop!

Thank you, Joonie, for this much needed laugh!!

I mean... I guess LorTabs have the same effect on me as certain alkie beverages. But I did not notice it, but hubby seemed to have noticed.

Anyone visit walgreens.com? They have a sexual wellness. and it has a lot of cool stuff on there. And then... they have customer reviews for some of the items... some are pretty funny.

KM, I'd hate to see the two of us together after taking it. We'd probably both be talking at the same time!!!

Yea Joonie...you'll loose weight if you have more sexI SO want a liberator!!!! There's this couch thing.....it looks SO comfy...but it's like 0.

Man why does good sex have to cost so much LMAO! Ok... I think I mean why does less pain sex have to cost so much.

Did ya'll see the Fascinator Shag Throw? Now I can see us slipping and sliding around and me getting hurt on that darn thing!

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