Need opinions | Arthritis Information


I really like the new rheumy I started seeing in November.  She started me on methotrexate so I feel I'm finally taking some action.

The problem is she said she would see me in six weeks.

She's very busy.  I was told at the desk when I left that scheduling would call me with an appointment.  It's 5 weeks this week.  I've called once and was told I am on the priority list and the latest they would call was 3 or 4 days after the scheduled time.

Should I worry?  I know I will need periodic blood work. I just don't know how often.

I like her a lot and if I get back in I think I will tell them I need the security of a set appointment.

Any input would be appreciated.  Should I call again and if so when?

Hiya, Dotty!

I went probably about 4 months before having blood work done after starting MTX. We moved out of state and I had to find an RD who was accepting new patients and then schedule the appointment. I was concerned but my RD said I didn't have to worry. I had gone that long without any noteable problems, so I was gonna be fine. Got my bloodwork done then and everything was a-ok. Right after I leave her office I go over to the scheduling area and set up the next one 3 months out.

As far as calling goes, I'd call them right away and ask to set up the appointment. Sometimes time gets away from the office workers and tasks slip through the cracks.

Hope you have a superfantastic and comfortable evening!

the dr wanted to see you 6 weeks after the last appt and its been 5 weeks and you still don't have one..there's a problem.  I would have been calling every day.

When you get the appt find out if you should get in earlier for lab work or if they will fax you an order so you can have it done prior to the appt

i agree with the others you should definately call them your health and well being is much more important than worrying about if you are bothering them. hope you have a great evening and get your appointment fixed. dotty, I'm just echoing what the others are saying to call. I'm just posting so
you'll feel supported----I don't have anything new to offer.Hi Dotty, definitely phone and do not take no for an answer, be polite but firm and tell them that the Dr specifically wanted to see you in 6 weeks.  I think we have all had to learn to be a bit pushy as our disease requires a lot of medical attention from our Doctors, we feel like we are being a pain but if we don't look after ourselves then who will?  If you have any problems tell the RD when you see him that the stress didn't do your pain levels any good!  Best of luck, Janie.  Keep posting and let us know how you go.

Now if I can just get up the nerve to take it!

Just wanted to say the same thing as all the others.  You need to keep calling, but be firm, not demanding.  You want the front desk to want to help you.  I have done it both ways, blowing my stack at one drs receptionist and being persistent but nicer with the other and I have found the latter works best.

I would call every day and say "hello, this is your favorite pest calling again," and keep calling until you get your appt.

Best of luck to you.


I got up my courage and called.  The secretary said that for six week appointments you are only notified 72 hours in advance.  If next time she wants to see me in six weeks it will be the same way, no appointment and only 72 hours in advance.

I've never had this experience and I know I'm going to find it nerve-wracking.

Has anyone else dealt with this before?

I've called twice,  I hope they aren't sick of me already!

I guess they mean 72 hours within the six week time frame.

Dotty, that seems kind of odd. I always set up my next appointment as I'm leaving the last one. Also, 72 hours isn't very much notice for people with life obligations and jobs. But if that's the way that office does it I guess that's how they do it. Dotty -

If I am needing an appt and they aren't getting back to me in the time that I need them to, I call them everyday until I get the appt.  Next time you see the rheumy talk to her and ask her if this is the normal practice.  Bring up your concerns with her.  I've often found out that the docs don't really know how the people up front handle a lot of the office things.  It would be good to know and put some of your tension at ease.
I've never heard of an office doing that.  Hope you find a way around it.  Good luck.