I am starting Humira! | Arthritis Information


Please tell me it will work!

I responded to the Humira the very next day, but it only lasted 4 days tops, and I was at every 2 weeks on taking it. Then I got bumped to once a week and had 4-5 "good" days and lots of energy. But infections will damper it when you have to get off of it so much like I did. I have 5 bladder infections in like 6 months.

It worked well for me, I would like to have it right about now. But going to get my first infusion of Remicade the 13th of this month! WoooHOOOO!

Oh I have also been where you are about having an infant. After having my son is when I was at my worse ever. I use to just let him stay in his crib until hubby came home for fear I might drop him. Because I could not do a lot of things for myself, let alone a baby. I had every badly swollen hands my fingers did not bend and my elbows did not bend and it was a mess. But I done what I needed to do until hubby got home from work.

joonie39422.9959722222I've been taking Humira for 10 months, and it's been miraculous for me. Last year at this time, I could barely walk or dress myself, and couldn't sleep because I was in unrelenting pain 24/7. Humira has given me back my life. Humira won't reverse the damage that's already been done ... I still use a cane occasionally because my right ankle is so hosed ... but it will stop new damage. I essentially feel completely normal now. An added benefit is that it looks like I may be able to FINALLY wean myself from Prednisone. I'm down to 4mg daily now with no ill effects, a level that was unimaginable pre-Humira.

I take my shot (auto-injector) in my "spare tire" and it's virtually painless other than an occasional 2 or 3 seconds of mild stinging that's no worse than getting a little lemon juice in an open cut. A mild 2-3 second sting every two weeks is certainly an acceptable trade-off for the horrible pain I used to be in.

I hope you're lucky enough to get the same results I have.
Thank you!  It is good to hear that people are doing well, treefrog I am glad you are doing so well on it!!  Thank you!!

Kylie, Humira worked wonders for me.  It was the 1st biologic I was on and because of it I was able to dance at my son's wedding.  I felt better after the first injection.

I have problems being allergic to the biologics and that is why I am not on it, but most folks don't have the bad allergies that I have so there is a lot of hope for you to be able to play with your son.

When do you start?

I hope and pray this works for you! Keep us posted on how you are doing! Love, Julia

I've been taking Humira for over a year and a half now and it's worked very well for me.  It makes a dramatic difference for about 10 days then fades out...leaving a few days to remember what RA is really like!  I've started on a half dose of Arava to see if that can give it a boost.  The injections are no big deal...it's a very thin needle...burns a bit but only lasts a few seconds. I haven't had any problems with side effects. Good luck!


Kylie sorry to hear you are hurting so bad, the rhuemy has had me on a lot of different medicines but even with all those i was still hurting and now I have been on Humira for about 4 months and it is wonderful I feel much better already I think the stuff is wonderful I hope it works as well for you as it has me and the others that have posted.

Best wishes to you and your baby.

My rd says it is working.  It brought my numbers down.  It is always hard to tell as I have fibro.  I never know where the pain is coming from and my rd says the inflamation can also be caused by fibro

 Anyway, good luck with your experience.  I will have to go off of it for four months until I get my Medicaire and I will know more.  When I first got on it, I could really tell it was working.  I hope you have the same experience.

Back to the subject at hand - this is full of hope.  My rd is amazed with the change and I am pretty certain I will hate being off it.  You deserve a good experience Oh thank you ladies!!  So much!  I really hope it works!  Oh to be pain free or close to it!  To be able excersise again and lose all this weight I have put on since DX!  THANK YOU!!!!!


I just started Humeria a couple of months ago.  It works for me, in that I'm not flairing.  But its not nearly as effective as the Remicade was for me.  But every body is different.  Good luck!!

Oh you guys I am still waiting!  they had to run a TB test which I was immunized for when I lived in Honduras.  Well, I told them this and I told it would be positive, but they had to do it anyway. DAH!  So now, I am finding out that the paperwork is just getting to the Insurance Company tomorrow!!  Who knows how long that will take! 

Hi Kylie, I've just injected my 3rd Humira and I'm feeling so much better.  Little inflammation or swelling.  I have PA also and it is still there and bothering me but it's better also.  Humira seems to be working better after only 3 injections than Remicade did after 16 months of treatment.  I hope this is the cocktail for you.  Lindy

Hi Kylie~  I don't take Humira, I just wanted to say that I hope it works for you, for a long long time. Forever, even.
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