Question for RA’s | Arthritis Information



Do you mean by how much saliva is on my pillow when I wake-up in the morning? or is it "morning breath"?

Because I do find that when I wake up in the morning I have a nice, BIG puddle  of slabba on my pillow that my cheek has been laying in the whole night.

Then there is the "morning breath", yeah I do not know much about how it "smells" will have to ask hubby that question. All I know is he likes for me to brush my teeth before I open my mouth.



Oh, dear, another person looking for free advertising for snake oil. 

Don't you people ever get tired of trying to extort money from sick people?

LOL We had already "scolded" her one time before on here and she just keeps coming back for more. I think she likes "abuse" ... for lack of a better word. Anyone else got a better word?

LOL Joonie! .... your slabba post.

Gawd it hurts to laugh this morning.  That PT yesterday.  Feels like every joint on fire.  But I needed a good laugh, so worth it.  TY TY.    lol 

Anytime, Hulagirl! Just sorry you hurt when ya laugh. I do not think AnneHilleBrand was too impressed with my response. I replied like a few mins after she posted and she was still on the message board.

I guess she really does not care to hear our responses. Well, mine at

I love being a smartA$$

But you are so good at it!  LOL



I learn from the BEST .... HUBBY!!And she's from Orlando ack!!  The area code is legit
Slabba LOL, new word.
Ummm...butterfly it would be great if we could delete unwanted posts. But none of us have the POWER..Muuwaaaahhh power *evil grin* Anyways, the forum admin has yet to log in to the forum since July 20th. We do not know how to contact him and many of us have PMed him and got no response.

Joonie... we need to create a Slabba Club... i have a nice puddle in the morning too!!!!!!!!

hee hee!!!!!

Its SOOOO fun waking up with a wet cheek!!!!!!!!!! YummMm!!

I would tell more details but it is embarrassing..

Ok ok you forced it out of me!

I have woke up with the slabba flowing down my pillow into my under arm pit...LMAO!!

I know it is gross

TMI I know sorry.



Yeah i havent been that hungry at night that i had that much slabba come out of my mouth... now dreams.. you dont want to know,.. froends think im warped with the dreams i have!!!! hee hee

Nah, no not think I was I think I could not breathe out of my nose, but then again I was preggos when I done

Oh the dreams they are weird ones i tell ya! I will post the rememories I have of my next dream. They are crazy!!


Thanks a lot people, I'm sitting here eating OREO'S while reading all these "slabba" posts...EWWWWW, now I lost my appitite!!
Oh,'s back. Three more Oreo's and I'm done...
OK OK Four...but that's it! (I think)

Mmmm oreos...slabba's on the desk opps!
