Pain worsening | Arthritis Information


Sorry guys, its me again, don't know what to do, I can hardly move, my hip and spine feel like they are dislocated, as they are so painful,the last time I had pain like this, I ended up having a laminectomy.  Sorry I am having a pity party and I am crying as I am so fed up with pain, I wish I could knock myself out and wake up and it would be gone.  This must be the OA surely, my groin and bursa on the right side have been grumbling, but now its full blown agony.  I hope you are not fed up with me, I never seem to have anything good to say.  HUgs Janie.

It sounds like your hip is getting worse. I recently found out that the groin pain is classic for arthritic hip. I'm sure everyone else knows that, but I honestly thought that pain would be on the outside of the hip. I told my doc that my groin hurt so badly when I took a step that I couldn't bear weight on that side. I felt so dumb, as I've had OA throughout my body for a very long time.

I don't recognize all of your meds. Are any of them pain meds? You really shouldn't have to suffer so with it. Maybe a heating pad would help a little. When is your next MD appt? Why don't you call tomorrow (is that today for you?) and see if you can get in? Maybe a cortisone shot would help.

Please let me know how you are doing. I'm sending you Big, Gentle Hugs!

Feel better very soon.

Much love, Nini

Hi Nini, they won't give steroid shots here unless its under ultrasound so I would have to go on Monday if possible, Hervey Bay where I live does not have specialists as a rule so it can be very awkward.  I have thought about going to the hospital but I reckon they can't do much, and I fear the "druggie"  accusations would be sent my way.  The only thing I can do really is to phone my GP tomorrow on her mobile and ask her to come and give me another tramal shot, it doesn't do much but it does help.  Endone is a narcotic, I take that 4 x a day every day, 5 today so far, my GP doesn't like me doing that as there is a risk of seretonin syndrome with all my other meds.  I also take endep for nerve pain and of course the tramal tablets in between Endone doses.  It is supposed to be for breakthru pain but I need it every day.  I am also taking panadol, but they are like jelly beans for pain relief, in fact jelly beans are better, at least they taste nice!!!!!   thanks for your speedy reply and your caring understanding ways Nini, love Janie.XX

You are not a bother, sweetie. Don't feel that for a minute. It's just awful to see you going through so much and not really being able to help at all.

I think try and survive the night with heat on it and call your gp on her mobile first thing in the morning. She needs to know that you are not okay apart from anything else. I know you are allergic to a lot but maybe you need a shot of something big like pethadeine or morphine to touch this pain.

There is just nothing worse than being in tears with it. You really know you are in a bad place then.

Hang in there, sweetie. Thanks Cordy, you always make me feel better your friend Janie. I'm so sorry that you are suffering Janie. Maybe what you need is a different
pain medicine. What you have is obviously not working and why put another
med into your body that does not work anyway. Go to the ER. Pain is just
that and needs to be treated so that other parts of you don't get sick. Lack
of rest is not good either. It is foolish to suffer as you are right now. Janie,
Don't you dare beat yourself up for asking for support.  That's what this forum is here for.  I hope you went to the ER or at least called your Dr.  I'll be praying that you find some relief soon.

Janie - you are in our thoughts and prayers - let us help pull you along and I hope you feel the strength of the people who care about you to carry you though this battle.  Nobody deserves this sort of pain and trouble.  Cathy

Janie I can totally relate. I've been having a real rough week. It gets so tiresome, the pain. I have no answers other than what I've been trying to do myself. I'm just trying to baby myself. Sitting on the couch w/a warm blanket and some hot tea. The weather here has been brutally cold so I think that contributes to my pain. I'm sending you Get Well wishes.
Thankyou so much everyone, seems like we all suffer our fair share doesn't it?  I wish for health and painfree days for all of us for the New Year, thanks again one and all, love Janie.XX


I so hope you get some relief.  Please don't hesitate to go to ER if it gets too bad.  You are in my thoughts.


Hugs!  Praying for you!! Janie, like others I think it may be time to consider the ER. Could you notify your GP and have her _smooth_ the way for you?

I send you good thoughts from half a world away!

Con brio. Happ Janie, Please don't ever feel bad about talking about what you're going through. For me at least, it helps to talk to people who know where you're coming from. I can surely empathize with you and I hope today is better for you.


Oh Janie I am so sorry you're in such horrible pain. Of course you can vent here, we're here to help each other.

Please don't suffer all weekend if you don't have too, go on to the ER. Maybe you just need a small tweak or combination to make this more bearable. We all have our breaking point so don't feel bad! You will be in my thoughts and prayers sweetie. Take care.