OT - Friday Daily Chatter | Arthritis Information


Good Morning Everyone!

Well, looks like rain in the forecast today, skies are gray and my hands are swelled and hurting a good bit.

I was smart today.... I got hubby to open my Robaxin before he left so I could take one while he was gone to work. So... no suffering today I hope!

Oh and then I looked in daughters bookbag and she had a letter in there from the school, no telling how long it had been in there. Yeah, I cannot open her bookbag and most times it is filled with papers that I do not even go thru them unless I feel up to it. She is a paper freak. She hates to get rid of anything she has written on so... it is a lot of paper in her bookbag.

Anyways... the letter was for constent to be evaluated for the gifted program. She said she got it the week before Thanksgiving break. But she was not sure. I know I have been thru her papers before the end of November, but with my memory... I am probably wrong. I am going to fill it out anyways and let them test her. Maybe next year they will put her on the grade level she should be in. Like I have been telling them for 2 years now.

Good Morning, I have a paper harborer in my house too, she is an artist and draws on everything.  So if it has a picture on it she keeps it.  She is a bit scattered like her mamma too so she never remembers to give me anything.

Last night was a little rough for me up and down with one thing or another (dogs and kids).  We also went shopping yesterday alot of in and out of the truck and walking.  I was having a good day thought it wouldn't get me.  I was wrong I am so stiff today and hurting with a pain pill.  We have company coming for dinner tonight and I have to clean the house today and I have one appointment to show a house.  so I don't see any slowing down at all today.  Yuck well I will sweet talk my 14 yo and get her to help with the house my dh is cooking deer chili for supper and if I am lucky maybe I wont have to walk the whole 16 acres for the client.  woohoo maybe I can get through this day afterall. 

Hope yall have a great day!!!

Joonie~I am so sorry you are back to swelling and hurting.  Do some of the things that Pip and Gimpy suggested.  I am so glad that you had success yesterday. Congratulations for the referral to the TnG program for your daughter.  She will probably not be raised a grade level, but either put in a Talented and Gifted class, or it will be a supplimental pull out with cool projects.  Either way it is a win for you daughter. 

NV~take it easy and farm out like you want to.  I hope you are ok, for the day you have planned.  It is sometimes fun to have company. 

Shannon~I sure hope you take it easy again today.  We have snow and I shoveled.  I am hoping the exercise will help, but I am in the middle of an aweful flare.  I love the snow!!! 

Well, other than the flare I have been putting up with I am in my MTX haze.  The combo should be good for rest.  I doubt it though being that I slept like crap!

Shelly~ Your a weirdo...liking snow???? yea definitly a weirdo.  But living in WY, I guess it comes w/ the teritory.

LV~Hopefully you get to feeling better and hopefully you wont have to walk all 16 acres...YUCK.  Have fun w/ your company!

Joonie~ Hopefully everything works out w/ the gifted program w/ your daughter and that will help w/ the issues she has at school.

oh...Shannon, yep weirdo doesn't even begin to cover.  You forgot the ten years in Alaska...in Anchorage.  Yep, have always loved snow!  I guess it is the pureness of the way it looks.I like snow too...but only if it means I dont have to go out in it.

Shannon I glad to see you're moving this morning. DON'T SHOVEL!

I'm not near as sore as I thought I'd be...just my foot is a little tender is all. I was very lucky!

Joonie hope things test well for your daughter...I'm sure it will.

Shelly you don't need to be shoveling either!

nv I hope you don't have to walk 16 acres either. I'd have to say no.

Have a great day everyone!

I have been up moving now for awhile this morning and the stiffness is just hanging on and I am very sore.  I never take more than 1 pain pill a day and I just had to cave this morning and take another.  I always feel so defeated when I give into the pain.  Oh well I am sure I will not walk the whole property today I think I will give directions and let them explore on their own.


Happy Friday everyone! It somehow managed to rain here overnight even though temps were in the low 30s but it has started snowing a bit now. I'm excited/nervous because tomorrow I get to go up to one of the many ski resorts here (I'm in CO) and learn to snowboard. There's a great little place here that is specifically designed to teach disabled people how to ski and snowboard. Though I can walk the legs don't exactly work correctly so it should be interesting to see how they're able to get me to learn it. Hope everyone has a great weekend!NV~ How is the housing market where you are at?  Here in IL it is totally sucky... My mom was in the mortgage business for close to 25 years and finally had to find a different job, I was also in the mortgage business but just for 5 yrs.  Its a totally different market then a few years ago.  [QUOTE=nvrules]

Good Morning, I have a paper harborer in my house too, she is an artist and draws on everything.  So if it has a picture on it she keeps it.  She is a bit scattered like her mamma too so she never remembers to give me anything.


Nvrules - That is exactly my daughter. At school the first couple of years her teachers would talkto me about the papers hanging outta her desk and locker and how she cried when they would ask her to clean them out and throw away some of her papers. I tried to explain to them that she LOVES her papers. I mean for a while there, my daughter was hoarding every paper she was given, but just threw them in the floor. And if I went in her room to clean up and her papers were missing she would freak out big time.

Her 2nd grade teacher got her outta hoarding the papers so much. She does not cry when something she wrote on or drew on gets throwed away. Which is a good thing!

My daughter LOVES to draw. She draws quite well. Now her new thing at school is to enter as many poster contests as they have and she gets upset when she does not win. She sees the winner as cheating one way or the other, because she drew hers so good, that she surely should have won. I keep telling her she cannot win them all the time they have to let others win, even if hers was the "best".

My daughter does not get along with the kids in her class. They do not like her for some reason. Maybe because she is a tomboy and when everyone else does not do good on a test, my daughter is the only one who makes a 100 on the test? Yeah, it really upsets her to be at school, because so many of the kids in her class dislike her. But she does have a friend in her class which is a boy. She mostly hangs with boys a recess. So, maybe if she gets moved to the gifted class she will be accepted by classmates better.

Yea hopefully if she gets moved to the gifted program it will make her school expierence much better.  My little brother is the same way with papers, though my mom has gotten him better about it.  He LOVES drawing and is really good at it.  He draws army pics mostly, like the military vehicles and such and makes doors to open and draws what you would see when you open the doors.  He drew some when he was over here a couple weeks ago and I was really impressed.  I cant draw to save my life, I can color really well but I definitly didnt get the artistic ability that my mom has.  i use to be able to draw. But when my wrist got fractured I had to give it up because it was so painful. Now I cannot draw to save my life. My half-brother in california... he is my daddy's son... he can draw everything & anything. He is a tattooist. But only when he is in jail  My mom could draw a little too. Boo!

Can't write much, gotta get shower and go to work!

Shannon - did Kelsay maybe sleep funny?? What other times has she complained of something like that?

well I know why her shoulder hurts her, I just didnt finish my whole thought I guess LOL...she thought it was gonna be a good idea to open all he drawers on her dresser (its 4 drawers but tallish, not long) and it hit her shoulder...BUT, shes been saying her knees hurt her and her face has been red like a rash but different then what her excema looks like.  Ive been giving her tylenol...uggg i dunno

KM the housing market here is holding it own.  We are slow but not as bad as most of the country.  I am in my first year and that is always the hardest in a good market so I am struggling abit. 

Joonie My daughter has been drawing since she could hold a pencil on her 13 birthday I got she and I painting lessons at our local craft store for a month.  She took off after that she paints amazingly (sp) It is her passion, because of art she actually plans on going to college to be a art teacher.  She has ADD and art helps her focus on other subjects her teachers are great about incorporating her drawing into all aspects of her learning.  She has mellowed some since she is in high school about keeping every piece of paper she marks on but she still hoards.  Cleaning her room sends me into a tail spin and causes her to melt down when she see's I cleaned.  Interesting place our house.

Mona-did you seriously hurt yourself? 

Shannon~how are you feeling?

Oh Miss Alice in Wonderment~are you here???

 Hi Shelly!

How are you?

Oh I have great padding too.

I guess I am ok.  I had my counselling appt. we went over some defense strategies, so I wouldn't dissassociate next time.  I don't know why it is such a big deal for me to participate.?

 Did you go alone this time? What do you mean defense stratagies? I hope this helps you guys Shelly. At least he's willing to go. Right?

Yes, I am glad he is willing to go.  Yes, today was alone, and I needed that. 

The strategies we worked on today was keeping me grounded to the present.  When things are too emotional and too stressful I tend to disconnect with mind and body and the present time.  So, that is why we had to work on those strategies, because the couples counsellor asked me a couple of questions and I could not even respond.

I am sooo hoping it helps.


 Well good luck sweetie I know how hard you've tried. Hope this helps you  both.
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