The "sound" of RA | Arthritis Information


I've been feeling much better lately since starting Plaquenil and decided it was time to gradually ease back into my old workout routine, which I think is gentle enough for me to handle if I take it slowly.

So after stretching for a few minutes, I did my first squat and immediately stopped.  My left knee made a sound I don't ever wish to hear again, lol.  Actually I did it a few times to see if it would work itself out after being unused for awhile, but it actually seemed to get louder with each bend. 

The only way I can describe it is like a crackling noise.  It almost sounds like something is tearing.  When I had my initial flare, that knee was a problem to the point where I had difficulty rising from a chair and walking without a limp.  I'm 36, and that knee made me feel 86 at least. 

Anyway, do you think this warrants an x-ray?  Amazingly enough, none have been ordered to date.  In the meantime, I'll pass on the squats until I understand what I'm hearing a little better, and know that it's safe to do so. 

Thanks for any input!


Both my knees crackle REALLY loud with the slightest bend. Even without putting the pressure of my body weight and just bending them. I am 25, so I think it must be the RA too. Mine are also always very swollen so maybe its the fluid in the joint? I dunno....

lol As soon as I saw the title of your thread, I knew what you were going to say! Didn't even have to read it first. I have that noise too! Only if I put pressure on it, like if I get up from a squat. Gross I know! I have had it as long as I can remember, even in my knee that hasn't had any problems.  I would be curious to see what that noise means.

Let us know if you find anything out!

cah141839423.3049305556joints arthritic and non arthritic make all sorts of sounds.  as long as the sounds aren't accompanied by pain you should be ok to continue the squats.

My knees and akles make all kinds of popping sounds.  My first several steps through a quiet room, well, I can't be sneaky, that's for sure.

Still I continue to exercise daily and have had no problem.

Ive posted before about my knees sounding like a rifle shot one day at the RD's office.. all the office girls started cheering and claping and told me I got the prize for the loudest crack all day.

 my knees are the worst, but my ankles grind  they sound like something being dragged across cement..

all my joints make a lot of noise

Every joint in my body excluding my elbows and left hip pop. My wrists, right shoulder, and both knees crackle. I actually use my crackling wrists as a party trick because if someone shakes my hand they can feel the crackling go all the way from my wrist through my hand and they go AHH!

Oh, isn't there anyone who will insist it's bad to exercise and try to talk me out of it??  

Seriously, thanks for the input.  I will "gently" tackle it once again, and be sure to turn my iPod up very loudly during the squats. 
