Panic attacks anyone? | Arthritis Information


Im going to my family doc on Tuesday for a diabetes test and want to ask about a drug for my symptoms.

I panic, I stress etc.  I sometimes find (even though it's odd) that i can't make a phone call to a doctore cuz i stress out.  I can't go outside cuz i stress out.  I cant' go to my kid's school cuz it stresses me out.

I also find myself saddened and cry cry cry even though i may or may not have a reason, just feel emotionally horrible.

I don't have a reason for it.  It isnt' that i am afraid of anyone, it's almost like i feel trapped.

Anyone know how i ask him about drugs for that type of symptom or what the diagnosis would be called?


YES!!!  I was recently experiencing the  same thing exactly!  I felt this "inner turmoil" that I just couldn't get a handle on.  I couldn't seem to focus, and I was becoming sleep deprived.

My GP started me on lexapro, 10mg, and it has worked wonders for me!  I've been on it two weeks now...I noticed a calmer demeanor within the first 3 days.  Ask your doc about it.

I know what you talk about but not as bad.

The word that has been slapped on me is depression.
Yes, what you are describing is depression. Probably brought on with your RA stuff. It's all part of the deal here. With depression usually goes anxiety or panic. I have experienced many years of it myself as part of my RA. If you are not on an anti depressant then maybe you might need one. I also have used meditation and especially Buddhist based breathing meditations to control the panic and anxiety. It does help.

Wish I would tell you it didn't sound like depression but it does.

Talk to your doctor, sweetie. It's important we give them information on these symptoms as well as the RA stuff.

You hang in there and take care, darl. Vent and debrief here if you need too. Reach out to the people around you that you can. What you are describing is so very common.

I am the same as STEPHEN the doctor slapped me with depression to he put me on effexor I am sorry to hear you are haveing those problems they make you feel awful uncomfortable.

hope you have a nice evening

My GP told me to get into more activities to get my mind off the anxiety I often suffer with.



I have to tell you that I think you are such a kind and knowledgeable person.  I know we don't know each other well from this board, but, you are without a doubt a very gentile person and I find that to be very rare in this world. I really enjoy reading your gentle words to others.

It's so nice there are so many nice people here.

Have a great weekend
Hi Bubbagump,

I too had horrible anxiety and panic problems for about a year.  They were really, really bad this time last the point where  I couldn't even leave the house without freaking out completely.  I couldn't drive, couldn't travel, just basically felt like a shut in.  I went to see all my doctors and made sure I wasn't having heart trouble or any other type of problem.  I finally realized when all the test results came back ok that it was pure anxiety. 

Instead of starting on antidepressants, I decided to take back my life, own my RA, and get a job that I thought I would love.  Now, I won't say it's been easy, however, it worked for me.  Occasionally, I still have those twinges of anxiety and I just stop myself, like Cordelia said, and try to meditate.  Sometimes it's really hard but I find a quiet place, hide out and have a long talk with myself. 

I'm so sorry you're going through this awful anxiety thing.  I hope you'll be better really soon. I'll be thinking about you.

Kimm. That is a very good way to handle some of it. I think some
alternative practices are very beneficial.

I have also heard good things about Lexapro. Lorster,

I've heard Lexapro is really effective as well.  I actually know someone on that drug and he stated it was working great for him.

Well, thanks, Kimm. I have a real heart for helping others and use my writing skills on here to do so. People have told me that what I write makes them stop and think. Huge compliment. My only goal is to offer comfort and wisdom, if I can, to someone else when they need it. And I have suffered so much with this disease in so many ways if my experience can help someone then...maybe some of my suffering has been worth it. 

With things like Lexipro, do you have to take it all the time, or just on the days you need it most?

Sometimes i feel great and do well, then i have days of crying and wanting to sleep.

Yes! Bubba...I too experienced the same as well. I had depression and hormone imbalance. My doc put me on Effexor and adjusted my hormones. Had some sexual side effects so switched me to Cymbalta and am doing much better. Hope this helps some...I pray you find relief really soon.   I have to take my every day. It takes awhile to get in your system...just like a lot of our RA meds. 

I have panic attacks as well....mostly take Xanax for that. THey were worse shortly after a major breakup a few years back. I mainly just get unsettled now but am on a daily regimine of the Xanax. Also the Celexa has worked wonders for me and I have been on that for many years since my RA DX.

Good luck, it is sometimes difficult to deal with. I typically get a major attack if I must travel on an airplane for a long distance by myself or be in a strange city by myself...I didn't used to be that way, oh well.


Of course now, I rarely go anywhere...I like it that way for some reason. I guess I am just a homebody! But I still have a  bit of a panic attack every so often.