OT 1 thing about Christmas, funny | Arthritis Information


Ok folks, now I was always taught when writing and sending out Christmas cards to always put a little personal note in the card to the person or family you are sending the card to.  This way they know you are thinking of them at Christmas.  What I HATE are those awful awful generic brag letters.  You know the  ones I am talking about; the ones where they print up one letter and have copies made up, they have their names printed at the bottom, they don't even take the time to sign them.  Those lovely letters where they tell you that hubby go a ,000.00 bonus, the oldest has been nominated for a noble peace prize and so on and so on.  They tell you how better their life is then yours and how they all are going to the Bahamas or some other frigging place during the holidays.  Just once I would like to send a brag note out like this and see what  the response would be.

I apoligise before hand if I insult anyone.


                      MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!

 It is an exciting year for us, Mel just started his new job, 15th one in 2 years, if he can hold on to it for at least 3 months he can file for unemployment again, and go fishin all summer. Melanie just had her 3rd kid, she's callin him Melvin after her dad, she still plans on having 3 more kids by the age of 21, that is if the Daddy of her kids doesn't get thrown in jail again.  Tommy was lucky this year, judge threw out his case that was against him for breakin and entering not enough evidence, he has decided he is going to change his ways and learn how to work on a computer and learn how to take over someone's identity.   Jimmy we are just so proud of, he is getting an internship with a loan shark, who thinks Jimmy has alot of potential on collecting on the loans.  On a sad note Grandma passed away this year, we buried her out in back, but didn't file her death certificate this way we still get her ssi check, which comes in really handy going to bingo or the casino.  Well got to go, the police are at the door saying Tommy's got in trouble again, it seems the tree he brought home for Christmas is from Old Man Smeegin's back yard.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!   The Grathers


They remind me of the "my child is an over-achiever" bumper stickers. I had one child who really struggled in school, and the rest of mine got along just fine and brought home those bumper stickers and I hurt so much for the one who didn't. So all that bragging just rubs me the wrong way.

I agree M2G.  It's as if a high gpa is the only standard for judging a child's value.  Good grades and hard work are wonderful and deserving of a pat on the back.  But not right to mush in the faces of those who have an honest struggle.  I never put those stickers on my car for that very reason.  Would never want my child's success to point out another child's failure.

I do have a  "Proud Parent of a United States Marine" thoughI didn't realize we were related! That letter sounds like it belongs in my family.

I get so mad when I get these letters because we always take the time to make sure to put a personal note in our cards and if we have the time we even make our own cards.  I am sorry but no thanks I do not want a note teling me how better your life is then mine. Jasmine your family can't be that way I thought mine was the only one.  hehehehehehe  meme



meme39424.4982175926I'm guilty of writing Christmas letters, but make them funny because other than making it through another year we have nothing much to brag about, except that we're still here. Last year a friend wrote back and said she made copies of it and sent it to her friends. Which reminds me I better get busy on this years, PM me with your address and I'll send you one, just kidding!

LOLLOL  Don't make me send Marvin to your house
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