A humbug hoilday season???? | Arthritis Information


My Christmas tree is sitting in it's holder and the lights and a little tinsel are hung on it. Don't know if it's going to be finsh or not. A couple of weeks ago, I took a nosedive into my wall heater when my right leg gave out on me. Had to get my roomies to help me back to my chair as I couldn't put any weight on it. I ask them to get my vicodin for me and sat there waiting for it to kick in. Thankfully, I had a ortho docs appointment for last thursday. Long story short, the hip joint is gone.  The head of the femur is flat instead of rounded. Doesn't look like a joint on the x-ray!! My options are: get a total hip done, have to wait to see if I'm going to have insurance after the 1st of the year, or do nothing and carry on the way I am.

The one good thing is that I can apply for SS disability which I'm going to do even if I have the total hip done.

The doc has placed me on stronger dose of vicodin and placed me on a walker. Can't drive that much and I'm looking at being wheelchair bound.

I'm determined to keep as active as I can be as I refuse to give in to Mr. Arthritis!!!!

As for my Christmas, there's going to be a very lean one. I will place a few more glass decorations on the tree and wall. My day will be a quiet one and hopefully, with very little pain.

One last thing,

May all enjoy their holiday season!!

Marissa, that's a SERIOUS BUMMER. I'm amazed you can sound so posiitve. I so hope for you you will still have insurance and you can get that hip replaced. Some joint replacements are amazing. My Mom had a hip replaced and it worked better than the non-replaced hip, for sure. Here's hopin' Santa brings you that insurance! Gimpy, you typed quicker than me. I was thinking the same thing... Marisa, how positive are you? My mum had a hip replaced in August and despite falling over 7 weeks later.. drunk... and breaking it again she is healing very well and is glad that she had it done. I too hope your insurance will cover it and also that you have a wonderful xmas.Marissa, may the true meaning of Christmas make this a joyous and blessed holiday.  You are in my prayers.

Keep us posted.

I'm so sorry to hear about your hip, but glad to know there are options available to you. Are you currently covered by insurance? Is there any way to get that surgery in before the end of the year? Whatever you decide, it will be the right choice.

I hope you have a superfantastic and comfortable evening! Happy, happy holidays!

Marisa, I'm so sorry about your hip! I had the same thought as Mrs. A. Have you asked the doc about getting the surgery this month? Sometimes, if they know that there may be an insurance issue, they will do everything they can to get you in.

I hope your insurance stays in effect. It sounds like you really do need the surgery. That sounds terribly painful.

Try to file your SSDI claim as soon as you can. It can take several months, at best, to get it. Often, even much longer.

I hope you are able to enjoy your holidays!

Hugs, Nini


Thanks for the support as I was feeling very lonely.

My doc can't get me in before my insurance runs out, so we are playing the waiting game.

Now to tell everybody, I got more of my tree decorated and it looks so pretty. I'm just going to add a couple more of decorations and I'm done. I put this huge red/gold bow on my fishless tank as it looks nasty from the dirty water. Added some wrapping paper to make it look like a present. Just have to put up the mistole and I'm done.

Again thanks,


Marisa, didnt you have your knees done last year?


You are making me feel like a wimp - I haven't even started putting tree/decorations up yet and have no nasty accident as a reason.  Had TKR 2 1/2 months ago but that is coming on well.  Wish you all the best for insurance and the application for SS disability and that there will be no hassle involved.  Love your idea of brightening up your fishless tank!


Miss Marisa, love what you did to the fish tank. That's genious!

You said your doc can't get you in, but is there another doctor that could possibly perform the surgery before the end of the year?

Marisa, well done on the positive attitude. Keep talking to us all over the holiday weeks and you won't feel so lonely. We are here. Loneliness is such a part of this disease, reaching out is the best thing you can do for yourself right now.

I am so sorry about your hip. Hang in there woman, I hope it is all sorted out quickly for you.
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