Flu Like symptoms | Arthritis Information


About two or three weeks ago, I fell ill and missed two days of work. I felt on the verge of vomiting, chilled, and unable to much beyond sleep. Strangely, I had no fever, or rather, I had a low-grade fever, just about one degree below normal. I told colleagues that it felt like the flu without the fever.

Meanwhile, I've been reading MEA McNeil's The First Year: Rheumatoid Arthritis. Early in the book, she states that some sufferers of RA can suffer flu-like symptoms but with a low grade fever. Not one to jump to conclusions, I nonetheless perked up, wondering if that would explain my recent illness.

Then today, it began again. After a somewhat sleepless night, I awoke feeling tired, which is unsurprising considering that I slept poorly. But then the nausea began, this time I did vomit, and I returned to bed to sleep for another two hours. This time, my temperature read about one and a half degrees below normal. Again, my appetite is off and I feel like resting more than anything else.

Have any of you experienced this? Has anyone else read of such symptoms for some people with RA?

Having been off Plaquenil for over a month now, I'm starting to feel like crap in general, and having this hit me twice in two or three weeks is putting me in an angry funk.

I see my RD this upcoming Friday and will ask if I should see my regular MD.

You might want to get checked for an infection.  Also your medication can easily cause you to feel sick.

RA does cause the low fever etc., make you tired etc.

For this type of thing, I see my regular doctor.  My rhummy ignores anything that isn't RA direct.  So your family doctor can help you work more with symptoms.


I often feel as though I have the flu.  I don't ever run a fever and don't feel nauseous but I often feel the body aches and general feeling like crud.  I just accept it as part of my RA and if I change my schedule in the least bit, I pay for it dearly the next day.  For example, staying up late to watch a movie, go out with friends, etc.  I have to stick to a fairly regimented schedule in order to have some sort of life where I can function and do what I have to do.  It stinks because it really puts a damper on your social life [QUOTE=davidvc04]Have any of you experienced this? [/QUOTE]
Intermittently and lasting for 24-hours to days. As with the flu rest, hydration, hot garlicky soup, more rest, more fluids, and more soup are my treatments of choice.

A change of routine, as others have mentioned, and sometimes a change of the weather can trigger the RA blahs.

I hope you feel better very soon.

Con brio, Happ

EDITED to add: low grade fevers can, and do, exacerbate the other symptoms you mentioned as well are be exacerbated by the symptoms. It is not unusual for me to run and elevated temperature before the onset of the blahs and for several days after.

My _normal_ temp is below average, so a temp of 100.8 exceeds low grade and increases the burden of fatigue. In the midst of a flare temperatures can soar...or is it sore? Those darned homonyms! David -  I have "flu like symptoms" more often than not.  Sometimes I run a fever sometimes not.  I get the hot and colds.  Blankets on, blankets off, cold cloth to heating pad.  Achey achey achey and no energy.  So I am sorry my response to you is "yep, you probably do not have the flu but one of the array of the wonderful symptoms of RA.  I will say - you do get used to it.  I handled the RA diagnosis very poorly in the beginning and now I accept it.  I do get a lot of help from an aide, good meds and a darling daughter who bravely handles her health problems.  There are also people on this board that give me support through email and pms.  I hope all you ever get on this board is support and good information

Take care and I hope it all gets resolved soon!

I would go ahead and tell the RA doc scince you are going to see him. If it keeps up get a full blood work done. If it is the flu it should go away. The vomiting and nausiated feeling if that keeps up with the other symptoms that needs checked out. Write down when it started. What foods are you eating? My temp flucuates and even when i am sick the likely hood of me having a fever at the doctors is slim to none. But i usually do not vomit without a reason. I doubt it is a food but best to rule out. I hope it is nothing but i hate to see you sick unnecassarily. We are human and we tend to get sick sometimes. I had a bladder infection for a month once before i figured out i was actually sick. It is hard to know what to ignore and what not to we are all so complicated. It is simply frustrating. You know this is unusual for you so tell the RD. That is i would not continue to vomit till Friday. I hope you feel better tomorrow and it was just a bug.


I too often feel the flu like symptoms and yes, I just chock it up as being RA related. You definitely will get used to it. Your body will give you all kinds of signals of a flare. Just rest as much as you can. Tell you RD of your symptoms on your next visit. Good luck!!



RA has all kinds of nifty surprises, eh?

Thanks for the responses everyone. Having the resources of other people is invaluable.

If do too much, sleep too little and forget my fish oil/naproxen, I feel like I've got the flu.  Aches, pains, fever, unbelievable fatigue...

I also experience those flu-like symptoms from time to time. I've also been joining you in honoring the porcelain god. These past few days I can't seem to keep my grub down. (I keep thinking it will help me lose those last 5lbs. Hahaha!! Not the best way to lose it, I know.)

Have a superfantastic and extra comfortable day!

There's a difference between low-grade fever and sub-normal temperature.  A low grade fever is slightly above normal body temperature.  A subnormal temperature is below the accepted standard "normal" body temperature.  98.6F is the standard body temperature -- but 1 to 1.5 degrees below that can be considered normal, too.  Our body temperatures can also fluctuate throughout the day depending upon our activity levels and external condiltions (which can include smoking, etc).

I have a low-grade body temperature.  It will really flip some new nurses out when they take my temp and find it in the 96.3 range.  It is nothing to be concerned about, however, as it is a hallmark of Adult Onset Still's Disease.

Don't panic about your readings -- and run it by your doc next time you're there.

David, I had the exact symptoms you describe plus daily headaches for
almost 5 years before my diagnosis. I know my doctor thought I was a
hypochondriac. I didn't get good relief until I started taking Plaq. Now, I
feel normal. The RD told me that it is common to have these symptoms
early on in the disease and they either go away or can last many years.
Hopefully yours will get better with treatment.I feel just like this most of the time. I wanna puke, don't wanna eat and I just ache allover. I am at work today because if I don't work, I can't pay the bills. I wish I had stayed home today but I've already missed so much work I would get into some serious trouble. Hope you feel better soon. :)
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