OT: Sunday Chit Chat | Arthritis Information


Goodmorning everyone!   Not a whole lot on my agenda today...just gonna chill and maybe get some beading done.  We've gotta go pick Kelsay up from my dads sometime this afternoon but other then that, its a lazy day.  Got most of my Christmas shopping done yesterday.  I only have my dad, my one cousin, my grandparents and Kelsay left to shop for....

Hope yall have a wonderful day!

I intend to be as lazy as possible today. I might or might not attend a gala with my wife tonight. Depends on if I feel better or if I'm afraid I'd lose my dinner on the banquet table--not good when surrounded by wealthy patrons of the arts.

I might paint some of my miniatures and I suppose I should iron work clothes. Sounds terribly exciting, no?

 Good Morning!

Yea for you Shannon...and me too! I got most of my shopping done yesterday too. I killed our fake tree through.

Oh well... hope everyone has a great pain free Sunday.

BTW has anyone ever bought Sofft or Softt shoes? I tried some on at Belk yesterday and OMG they were so comfortable. 0.00 for the cheapest pair.

When I got out there about 5 mins later... hubby was sitting on the ground with a scratched up elbow and laughing because when son got back to him he said "I told moma you fell."

Oh and last night... hubby fell asleep while I was talking to him... and I asked him what happened to the lady in the movie. He said "She moved to the North Pole with the enemy."

Yeah.... I have been bothering him about who she was that moved to the north pole with the enemy. Was he trying to say Santa & his elves were the enemy? Now it makes me wonder.

Their's a movie on tonight that I want to see, don't know the channel though.  It's called "For one more Day".  Anybody know?It is on USA.nope guess I was wrong.

Oprah Winfrey Presents: Mitch Albom's 'For One More Day'

9 tonight

WXYZ-TV, Channel 7, ABC

Thanks Joonie.  How're you doing tonight?

Ok... muscle still spasming but... the pain is bearable and I can actually walk a little better and raise my leg. I think going up and down those 6 steps yesterday aggravated my hip and made it swell, along with the walking I done in wal-mar... yeah... the light for "T" in wal-mart is out so now we have Wal*Mar.

4am on Sunday morning Merryn asks to be taken to hospital because she is in so much pain.  She gets there and collapses inside the ER doors.   They walk over and look at her and say 'what did you take?'  She yells 'nothing!'   After a couple of nice pain injections and an examination they tell her it is her gallbladder.  I told her that before she left   but what do I know  I'm only mother

I went back to work for 3 hours yesterday  for the first time since surgery last week.  I'm doing really well, can hardly notice any twinges.  I ran out and bought nephews Christmas present Saturday when he told me what he wanted, so now I only have 2 more to buy. YAY for me,  almost done Christmas Shopping.

Hahahaa @ Link! I am just wondering if I can grip & pick the axe up and then swing it hard enough to chop it off.

Well... iam going to take pain meds & muscle relaxer and rest.

Might be on later. TTYL

Now everything is together and tidy....lets see how long it stays that way.  And I have all my scripts together so I don't lose them.  Merryns stuff is the top shelf  on one side and the other side is general family stuff like vitamins and nurofen etc.  The bottom shelf is ALL mine.  Now I have no where to put my teapot and cream and sugar cause they used to go on the top shelf.....I think I feel a kitchen tidy coming on....someone please....hold be down.....
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