Does anyone have RA in the spine? | Arthritis Information


I have a place between the middle and lower back, right along the spine, that has been sore now for 2 days.  I'm worried because it feels very similar to the soreness of the finger joints I had when RA first started setting in.

Is there a certain way it feels?  Does it generally make you feel like you have all over back pain, or is it more like a bruised feeling?  Mine feels as though it's in one specific spot.  Thanks for any input.


RA can be everywhere. It is traditionally thought of as in the hands and feet but that is not true. That is just one Type of RA there are three basic types.

Mine is everywhere from my nose to my toes. I am poly which means 'many joints'. My whole body hurts pretty much everyday, I don't just have specific spots as some of you do. I have the most incredible lower back pain at times. Yes, it would be RA. Just means that it is in more joints than you have had before.

I would mention to you doctors at your next appointment, just so they can note the development of your RA's progress.

RA pain can feel many, many different ways. It is challenging, like that.

From what I've been told by my RD, Rheumatoid Arthritis is not seen in the mid to lower back/spine.  However, here on AI, I have seen a few people remark on the RA in their lower back, so I'm not absolutely certain one way or the other.

However, I'm sure that it is much more likely in the top of the C-spine. I have severe OA in my entire spine. I can tell you that it does not feel like bruises to me. It is severe pain throughout my spine. It's a very deep pain that I feel in my bones.

But there are many other problems that can occur in the back. It can feel bruised, even if you sleep wrong. But there are so many things it could be, that I would strongly suggest you see your doctor and have him/her look into it.

Good luck. Please let me know what you find out .


my rd also said ra does not effect spine but i swear mine is ,unbearablle cannot stand more then a few minutes at a time and if I have tio walk it is misserable and so painful I find myself holding my breath from the pain and then I get dizzy and short of breath

Hi Ginger,

I have middle and upper back pain, too.  My pain is in several places in the middle of my back on either side of my spine.  My RD says it's not my spine but a muscle that is in spasm.  My primary doctor says it might be from my degenerative disc disease, or fibromyalgia.  My physical therapist says that the spots are trigger points.

Despite what the experts say, it seems to improve when the RA meds are working.

Watch your posture, and don't spend too much time driving or typing or "mousing" on the computer.

I hope you will be better soon.



Nini, my dr said the same thing "ra does not happen in your back". I wonder why so many people have pains there including me. I forgot to bring this up at my primary dr appt. When dr said that, I wanted to say "well, there are alot of people on AI website that have back problems", but I didn't cuz I figured he was the dr and I didn't want to question him. Maybe I should????!! I get severe pain after standing for more than a few minutes in my lower back on both sides of spine. I try stretching and bending but nothing but muscle relaxers and heating pad help. I am interested in what other people say about the back issue?
most docs would agree that RA doesn't affect the lower/mid spine.  That's not to say it doesn't -- or that OA and degenerative disk disease can't hurt like holy -- well, you know!
Island Woman, Amen to the OA and DDD pain

That's interesting about RA being common in the next and upper spine because I have problems with my neck going all the way back to junior high school!  Literally not being able to turn my head some days.  It comes and goes, sometimes not bothering me for a couple of years in between, then returns with a vengeance -- it happened at the onset of my RA diagnosis.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback.. sorry to hear others are also dealing with painful backs.  It's the worst.  :(


Look up Spinal Stenosis. My hubby has that and it is exactly as you describe. He can't stand for long, or walk for long, but sitting is painful too. The only thing that helps is painkillers. They want to do surgery, but he refuses. He is a VERY subborn man.