Question on Physical for S.S | Arthritis Information


So I went and had my physical with the S.S doc and I was in with him in his office for maybe 10 minutes.  He tried to stretch my legs out didnt really look at the parts of my body that are all messed up I was wondering if anyone has gone for these appointment and how long did they last and if you got excepted the first time or you had to get a lawyer and go a second time?

any info would be great Thank you

slowmovin39426.6193402778I was talking to my nurse who does the orencia and she asked me if the doc looked at my joints and he didnt.  Here is another question has you s.s doc looked at your joints????ANYONE?????slow, I don't have any answers for you but I just wanted to comment so you wouldn't feel ignored. I hope you get that straightened out soon.

thanks Gimpy thats alright if you dont have an answer but thank you.  I tried asking questions on other forums and I dont get answers to this question wither but thats okay.  Thanks

There is no rhyme or reason to their SS Dr's. First one I was sent to was internal medicine, then they had more info needed and sent me to a GP type Dr.

This was my 3rd time applying for SS. The first times where when I was a teenager w/a job. and the 2nd time was a couple of years after having my daughter, which is when I started going down hill and the 3rd and last time was after I had my son, which was the worse I had ever been in my life.

I probably would have gotten SS back when I first applied if I had appealed it, but I just did not want to fool with it, same as the 2nd time, I just did not want to fool with getting a lawyer and going thru all of it for something I really did not need at the time.

Good Luck! Keep us posted.

I had my physical exam with the SS doctor alittle over a year ago. She went over my records a little with me and the test results that she had in my records and of course what medication I was taking.  She did have me take my shoes and socks off, she examined my joints but not as thoroughly as my RD does. She also checked my range of motion in my shoulders, hips, neck, ankles, and had me try to make a fist and also I think she had me grip her hand. It took about 10 or 15 minutes. She told me that I would get my results from SS in about two weeks. I was approved about a week and a half later.

I hope evrything goes well for you!!! I remember it was very nerve racking!!!!!

Good Luck,


Not everyone gets sent to see an SS doctor.  I never did.  I did get denied twice, got a lawyer and got approved for SSD at an administrative hearing. It took me from Sept. 2003 until April 2006.
i was sent to an orthopedist!  Yes, he did spend some time looking at joints.  I was approved on first go-around.
Mine took one look at me overall, I was crippled literally, the day I was examined, I was wearing splints prescribed by my OT, my wrist/hand grip strength was less than 10%, I was swollen and very much in pain, she really sympathised and empathised with me and I was granted disability there and then.  She was supposed to call the Dr in but just ticked everything herself and said not to worry, that I qualified.  Hope you don't have too much drama with it and I hope it gets granted first time around.  Hugs Janie.  