false diagnosis? | Arthritis Information


Has anyone here ever heard of someone being falsely diagnosed with RA? It's been kind of a tickle in the back of my mind...probably just wishful thinking LOL.
I feel like I am being a pain in the butt with my Rheumy, I have called three times today...1st, Should I still take the Ibuprofin with the Sulfasalazine? Then, how much Folic Acid should I take, and now, Did he run the Anti CCP test (thanks to Julie's post

ps... im slowly catching up with you Hi Staci, just wondered because I'm not sure what's going in with me either - what makes you think it might not be RA what are your symptoms?  When did it start - just wondering if they're the same as mine? [QUOTE=julie] Hi Staci, just wondered because I'm not sure what's going in with me
either - what makes you think it might not be RA what are your
symptoms?  When did it start - just wondering if they're the same
as mine?
I think the fact that I have the prescription filled and ready to take is making me question everything. It seemed to me that one of the biggest deciding factors for the Dr. was the stiffness in the morning and after rest, but I have noticed for the last couple of days it hasn't been as bad...maybe because I have been taking the Ibuprofin as prescribed?? My RF was positive, but not by much...0-6 is normal, mine was 12.5. Sed rate...normal is below 20, mine was 36. See, not THAT high, I've heard from other's here that there #'s are in the 300's and above! Like I said, it is probably just that the Ibuprofin is doing it's job, and that I am wishing for a miricle
My other symptoms are pains in wrists, hands, elbows, knee's, ankles and feet...not BAD pain, but enough that I sometimes will take another 600 mg Ibuprofin to help. After I take that, the pain is better but I am left with stiffness. My exam at the Dr's office was HORRIBLE, by the time he was done poking, proding and moving my joints, I was sweating bullets!! OUCH!! I don't doubt the diagnosis, I would just like a POSITIVE POSITIVE...You know?
As soon as I hear from the Dr., I will update.i know EXACTLY what you mean - its really hard - the one thing I get from talking to everyone here is that RA can be anything.  I never have swelling or heat - but its started now - I'm not on any meds yet - Doc doesn't think I've got RA but can't expain it either NNNRRGGHH!   Thinks it will go away - I've had it for 10 weeks and I also had it in the wrists when I was pregnant - my ESR is only 7 and my RF is 8 but I think RF climbed a little from a very weak positive to a less weak positive - rheumy said - don't worry I wouldn't even class that as a positive - well then what's the point of having the test then!!!  I know exactly what you mean about the meds - I feel i'm fighting to get dx with something I don't want and if they tell me I do I'll be like 'are you sure'  can't win eh? Does your joint pain jump around some joints and well as staying in others.  The thing that's making me feel I've got it is that my MTP joints in the balls of my feet are affected and knees, wrists, elbows, shoulders (the worst) and even jaw -both sides-different weeks - It's so hard, glad you are getting the anti ccp test done - good luck - I'm frightened waiting on it too. [QUOTE=julie] Does your joint pain
jump around some joints and well as staying in others.  -It's so hard, glad you are
getting the anti ccp test done - good luck - I'm frightened waiting on
it too.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "jump around", but I do know that when I don't take the Ibuprofin or if I do too much, I can feel it in almost all major joints The Dr. hasn't called me back yet, so I don't know if I will be getting the anti ccp test done or not...should I INSIST on it?? Hmmmmm....one more thing to think about!You should definately insist on it!  The more investigation done the better.  What I mean by joint pain jumping around is that although I have pretty much constant pain in my feet and knees now there is a different kind of pain too that moves around my joints - ie one day it'll be in my wrist and an elbow say, very painful, then after a couple of days it'll leave their completely and appear in my shoulder or my jaw or basically anywhere it feels like.  I know, I sound like a crazy woman but its true - its known as migratory pain.  I hate going to sleep coz i never know where it's going to get me next. guys, i got to step in here...if your doubts are because your pain isn't constant or even jumps, your labs aren't too far from normal etc.  let me share a few things. 
1.  my pain jumps a lot.  even from hour to hour.
2.  until the last 5 years, my pain was not constant...it came and went and was even tolerable. 
3.  i have NEVER had a positive Rheumatoid Factor, my SED is almost always in the normal range or only slightly elevated (usually due to an infection at the time of the labs being drawn or getting over one).  I don't have my labs to double check, but my guess is my CRP is in the normal range too.  
4. i've never had much swelling, never noticible to the untrained eye and even only minimally noticible to my docs.   i have some stiffness but not a great deal.
Despite all of this...I have a large amount of joint erosion. 
I know having doubts is tough...and I know that there is always a hope that despite being told you have this, they are wrong.  Just don't get so hopeful you set yourself up for major disappointment by thinking you have a false diagnosis.  I've been dealing with this for 21 years, I honestly do not think I've see a completely false dx...I've known of people who were told they have say...one inflammatory arthritis such as psoriatic arthritis but they actually have RA or the opposite.  Things like that.  But completely false diagnosis...I've yet to talk to someone with one. Sorry if I sound harsh.
Doesn't sound harsh at all.  I'm the only one who thinks I've got RA - Rheumy has told me twice that I don't, but I don't believe him one little bit. [QUOTE=wayney] Sorry if I sound
Not harsh at all...I appreciate your concern and your right, I KNOW it is just wishful thinking. I'm starting my Sulfasalazine tonight. WISH ME LUCK ON IT!!!


Thanks. I find it hard to believe I have RA because my tests are normal but when I stop the mtx pred or remicade i can't even get out of bed. I guess the tests just make it easier to be in denial.

[QUOTE=julie] Does your joint pain jump around some joints and well as staying in others.   [/QUOTE]

Julie, my pain moves around to different joints..sometimes some joints are worse than others. In Jan I had a cortisone shot in my right pinky, then the pain moved to my ring finger, got a shot there, then the middle finger then finally to the side of my hand where I had the last shot. It was like my RD was chasing the RA around with cortisone shots. I still had really bad hand pain til almost a month ago when I started humira. It's a pain in the rear.
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