The CURE FOR RA Gotta read! | Arthritis Information


So Grandpa came over for dinner. He says "I know a cure for your arthritis. Soak golden raisins in Gin and eat them."

I told him I did not have arthritis I had an auto-immune disease. He said same thing.


What if the pharm's were actually putting gin soaked raisins juice in the syringes for our biologicals?

Paying thousands and thousands of $$'s each month for gin soaked raisins juice.

I mean it does burn when you inject what is in the syringe.


That sounds yummy! I suppose if one ate enough gin soaked raisins, one would not care if one had RA, or any other ailment for that matter!



You know, i think i might feel pretty good if i had some gin in me too :)

My father in law is always coming up with some wacky herbal thing.  I do believe in lots of things like probiotics, omega 3s, cats claw etc. things we all know can help but haven't been tested as much as they should have, but he comes up with "this tropical fruit only grown in africa cures RA", or "lifting your legs in the air for 3hrs a day will get rid of swelling in the knees".

Like an idiot, i try some of his ideas lol.  My feet are up more than 3hrs a day :)

I get a giggle.

Yeah... true. I said why not just give me the gin and feed the raisins to the squrriels. Honest ... sounds like I made this up, but my husband and I are still laughing over this one!

LMAO, reminds me of a someone who said SALSA cured them of pain within a short period of time after ingesting at their local Mexican Diner. LOL They were able to shop for hours

You think it was the MARGARITA's instead of chips & dip.

Erica just posted the same thing on a different thread.  Well, I guess it was a few weeks ago.  She said a wiccan women recommended it.

See... I knew I heard that some where from on here, Link!

Yeah Grandpa said it was a 100's of year old cure for arthritis. I asked him if he actually knew someone who was cured by it and he said no. I said well there is your answer to it curing me.

Here's an article about it. c/18

That sounds like my new medicine of choice. People say stuff like that all the time. But at least this one has some interesting sounding side effects.