Interesting how life goes | Arthritis Information





jodejjr39459.6658101852I am sorry you are going through all this.  Love and hugs Jode, I don't have any advice, just empathy.  My own dear mother sounds a whole lot like yours.  I can barely stand to visit her, but we make the effort a couple times per month.  Each time, I am berated with a barrage of insults, insinuations and general B.S.  It takes every ounce of restraint in my body to not tell her to **** off in front of the kids; for the most part, I've learned to wear a "poker face" and not give her the satisfaction of a reaction when she is obviously looking to irritate me or the husband.  He just flat out ignores her - smart man!!!!

Hang in there hon.


No advice here either.  Just many hugs and prayers.



jodejjr39459.6660069444 We all got kicked out at age 17.  And I'm the only idiot left who hasn't fled the state.  I get stuck dealing with her.  I think I should have MY head examined!!!! JasmineRain39428.5153703704

Jode and Kelly, I totally understand, and I know the desire to want a safe place to fall.  I still do not have that, but I do wish that for both of you. 

I will be praying for a clear path.  What about talking to an abuse shelter for help.  I would want you out as soon as possible.  Do you have anyone else to lean on for a month or two? 

I am so sorry and have already prayed but will continue.  I am again so sorry!

Aww, Jode.  I so sorry you have to go through all this.  My dad died of Alzheimer's and I know it's not exactly the same thing, he turned mean and I have known what it's like to be on the bad side of that.  Hugs and prayers, friend.




jodejjr39459.6663888889 [QUOTE=jodejjr]

I really thought I was in an abusive situation when someone pushes you into a table and you break a bone....but this ......heck I would rather be a punching bag. At least when someone hits you you actually know what is going on, this crap she is feeding me is just insane...well she is emotionally ill...

not gonna be my prob for too much longer that is for sure. WHy is it I am always the scapegoat? why is everything typically my fault? AM I retarded or something?



Nope, not retarded. I too keep going back for more... I just keep hoping one day that she will stop being so crazy.  Just one normal conversation would be nice!!  I know it will never happen, but I think it's only natural to want a normal relationship with your parent(s), no matter how impossible that may be.


 I just keep hoping one day that she will stop being so crazy.  Just one normal conversation would be nice!!  I know it will never happen, but I think it's only natural to want a normal relationship with your parent(s), no matter how impossible that may be.

Been there as well.  I finally had to leave the state.  My husband even turned down a career opportunity because it was too close to either side of our families.  I thank God every day for such a strong supportive spouse.

Hugs and prayers and positive thoughts going out to all.


edited for spelling--not my strongest asset today






jodejjr39459.6669097222 [QUOTE=jodejjr]

forgot......where would I take something to be a glass of diet coke or juice or something. THere have been several times when I have fixed something to drink and it tastes funny so I dump it out. Twice now I forgot to do that and went sound to sleep for over 4 hours. Maybe coincidence, maybe not.....I am not accusing but getting a bit nervous, maybe paranoid...but something is definately going on.

Anybody know where I can get this done? THen I would have proof....then it is the mental institution forever.

I hate disclosing this to everyone, I really do, it is so very embrassing!

So embrassed,



You could start with the drug tests available at the pharmacy.  They're geared towards urine, but they might work on adulterated pop.  If you get a positive hit, then call the police ASAP.  Also, if you ever feel like you've been drugged, you could take one of those drug tests yourself and see what shows up.



Jode, dear, it just breaks my heart that you must live like this. And that you have for so long. I agree with your plan. Do whatever it takes to get away from this cruel person!

It is so hard for me to comprehend a mother treating her child the way you, Jode and Kelly, have been treated. My own dear Mother was such a loving person. She went through some pretty hard times in her life, but she never laid them on us.

You are both mothers, too. You know how you feel about your children. We give them all the support we can and love them unconditionally. I just cry for you both that you had to give so much of yourselves, just trying to win the approval of someone who can't give it.

You are in my heart and in my prayers. May you be blessed with   peace and  much happiness.

Much love, Nini

You seem to be oposite my mom and her son right now.

My brother is what our family calls a "wack job" he is mentally ill but still sane enough to fool his wife and children.

He believes whatever his mind makes up.  I have had emails in the past where he said things like mom was a tramp, dad is god etc. etc. then turns around 3 hrs later and says oposite, says he was christian one minute and yelling at me about religion only to say hours later that he has no religion so he doesn't know where i got that idea from.

Luckily for me, his mental illness is on his real father's side (different dads).  His dad went crazy, his uncle etc.

We don't know what to do with him.

He writes my mom letters at holidays saying "you were such a tramp, my kids hate you and wish you were dead".

My mom is a good christian woman, married for a very long time.

He is crazy and i am so afraid that he might hurt my mom one day.  Mental illness is horrible.

OMG Jode, it breaks my heart to read this. I will certainly be thinking of you and your daughter and praying for all of you, even your mother.  I just can't imagine how a person like that must feel inside.  It must be a terrible feeling, plus she has ruined so many lives.  Jode, I wish I had better advice for you, but I do not know what I would do either, but I really think that it is "JODE" time.  Be good to yourself. now & then39428.6256944444

Thank you all so much for your support.



jodejjr39459.6675Oh, Jode, you just sound so stressed, honey. I am so sorry, that things are just so bad at the moment. Please try and look after you in all of this. If you take care of yourself as much as you can it will make dealing with everything else so much easier. I know it isn't easy but have a good go at it. You are a precious human being and you need to remember that and spend some of your nurturing on yourself. Even if it's just a warm bath. Anything.

Stress like this is just so bad for your RA. My thoughts and prayers are with you, honey, that things will improve. Hugs too.

How awful for you Jode...I am so sorry you are going through this. I pray that you find relief from the situation very soon. 