OT: Thursday Chat | Arthritis Information


YAY I get to start the chat thread today...havent done that all week.  I dont think I have at least. 
So I am hoping that today I get to stay home in my pj's all day and just do some laundry and beading. 

Hope everyone has a great day.

Joonie...Good luck w/ your infusion today!!!!!! Let us know how it goes.

Here's hoping I get to as well.  I don't have to go into the office and I over did it yesterday.  I am going to try and sneak back to bed after the kiddos leave for school.  My dh had to work for awhile today he is usually off on thursday and Friday and a nap is out of the question.  So I am going to try and sneak it in.  Wooooohooooo

I have 4 days off  YAY  me

Tomorrow I clean the house cause I'm having a tupperware party on Saturday.

Sounds like you are going to have a blissful day Shannon    doing all my favourite things

Sunday is the Church Christmas Programme.  We are having International food stands and then carols and a choir.  We'll have it in the church car park and it's open to the community.    It's part of our outreach....free Christmas and Easter Carnivals for the community. 

I've re-booked our camping holiday actually to where we want to go.  Hopefully the fires will have settled down by then.

I made an appointment today to see my neuro-surgeon next week.  I had the MRI Wednesday morning and so I only have to wait a week to get the results. 

My feet are still killing me but I'm having so much trouble getting shoes.  I can't bring myself to pay over 0 for shoes that I know I will hatepammy, is this the start of your summer? I wish it was summer here, i hate
this horrid cold.Yeah   Christmas in summer.  It still seems weird to me, being from Canada, but I do like it.  Christmas carols outside on a warm, balmy evening is really quite pleasant.  I remember frozen December nights up in an outside singing Christmas tree in our church car park.  Absolutely freezing our way through carols before going inside to warm up with hot chocolate.i guess a warm christmas would seem very strange to me. i have NEVER
seen a christmas without lots of snow. we have about 8 inches on the
ground right now. i hear that the east coast is going to get dumped on
today. and the midwest is under ice. guess i can feel good about the
moderate weather we are getting right now.

It's going to be in the 90's tomorrow. 

Everyone here goes camping for their summer holidays at Christmas time

My kids had so much fun the first time they saw real snow for Christmas, they were about 6 and 8!

Good Morning...not really, but I can pretend!

Shannon~stay home!  REst and when Miss Kelsey goes to school lay down for a snoozer!

Pammy~I have resorted to wearing my crocks outside the house.  I hate them, but hey they fit, and most of the time they are all that fit.  Your weekend sounds busy.  I hope it is not too busy.  Take care of yourself and those feet!

Lori~I know I hate the cold too.  I am glad ours was mixed with snow, but not now.  It is just cold.  BRRRR!

Well, my cold has moved to my chest.  I can just see the little green monster down there.  He prevented good sleep last night.  So, I am going to try to treat this at home and see how that goes. 

I am determined to get my infusion next week!  I will even if I have to take steriods.

Take care of yourself Shelly.  Rest up and get lots of OJ and chicken soup into youShelly, I have not had a cold for 3 years and it worries me. I think it may be
a sign that my immune system is still too hyperactive. I think a lot of us
here do not get the normal colds and flu. Even though it is miserable,
maybe it is a good sign and at least your immune system has something to
do, lol.    Hope you feel better soon.I am sure i have a cold or a flu. But it is different. As the sjorgrens has me so dried up i would never need an antihystimine. Does that make sence? That is my theory. Of course everything is so confusing any more. I just get more new symtems and theories everyday. We like to know what is going it makes are brains happy to have an answer and know how to treat are selfs. But anymore , well i would just throw my hands in the air but that would hurt. OK!   Here's how is is!! Down under Santa gets a suntan!

There's no snow at Christmas
in the south pacific summer time,
The only white that's ever seen is cricket on the bowling green.

There's no snow at Christmas
in the south pacific summer time,
The days are warm
The nights are long
and barbecues a light.


'Cause down under Santa gets a suntan,
Rudolf puts zinc cream on his nose,
Down under santa gets a suntan,
It's off to the beach, throw off your clothes.

There's no snow at Christmas
in the south pacific summer time,
Friends come round, turn up the sound,
dancing through the night.


'Cause down under Santa gets a suntan,
Rudolf puts zinc cream on his nose,
Down under santa gets a suntan,
It's off to the beach, throw off your clothes

We don't mind tradition,
and now we've got our own,
You still see the Christmas tree
twinkling in our homes.

You'll hear Christmas songs about
sleigh rides in the snow,
but Christmas time down under
is different cause you know...

There's no snow at Christmas
in the south pacific summer time,
Christmas spirit in the sun
south pacific summertime.


'Cause down under Santa gets a suntan,
Rudolf puts zinc cream on his nose,
Down under santa gets a suntan,
It's off to the beach, throw off your clothes
Aussie Jingle Bells
Brought to you by Jaybee's Entertainment!
Dashing through the bush
In a rusty Holden Ute
Kicking up the dust
Esky in the boot
Kelpie by my side
Singing Christmas songs
It's summer time and I am in
My singlet, shorts & thongs


Engine's getting hot
Dodge the kangaroos
Swaggy climbs aboard
He is welcome too
All the family is there
Sitting by the pool
Christmas day, the Aussie way
By the barbecue!


Come the afternoon
Grandpa has a doze
The kids and uncle Bruce
Are swimming in their clothes
The time comes round to go
We take a family snap
Then pack the car and all shoot through
Before the washing up


Cute songs....thanks!

Lori, all you would have to do is step foot in a classroom with young kids.  You will get sick!!! 

Yep kids I love them but they will always bring things home from school.


How is everyone tonight?

Brisen what did the Dr say today...do you feel any better?

Link sneak me a couple of those massagers...I hurt all over. I have a shiatsu for the neck...dang thing will kill ya!


Hi Mo! Yep, with the added Prednisone, Robaxin, and Percocet the doc gave me, I AM feeling better...can actually able to sit on both butt cheeks now! (Yeah, I know...TMI!)

Doc wants me off work until the first of the year so this back thing can settle down. My co-workers were so pleased to hear this. Not.


GAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! Of course you'll have to excuse the spelling issues...have never been able to spell a lick when I'm on pain meds. Hi Katie!! I've missed you!!You too!!!!!! I haven't really read much, what's up? Where ya been!??!

 Well I'm glad you can sit on both cheeks.

I finished decorating today...it's killed me but I did it all myself! Now hubby has to do some lights on the bushes and one tree and I'm done! Oh and my garland around the door...I can't reach it.

now I have to finish shopping and do some baking.

We finally got our tree  decorated.  Quite beautiful, I don't mind saying.  I always think I have the prettiest Christmas tree though.  And I do.

I've been stuck in the flare from hell for the past several weeks, mostly crappy days, real crappy days, and then REALLY CRAPPY DAYS.

To make matters worse, I pulled my back out on Sunday, and haven't been able to sit, stand, or walk since then. Went to the doc today and he upped all my meds and added Percocet for pain, and I'm already starting to feel better.

Gale, do you have chronic back problems to go with your RA?As if the rest of us can spell while on pain pills. I am just happy to be able to hit the keys with my fingers, I do not care which keys. None of that matters anymore.JASON!?!?!?!?? 'I beg to differ Link!We took our tree down, No money for christmas this year and the damn kitten won't leave the tree alone anyway. When Justin's mom comes, she's going to spoil us. And then we decided in July we're putting the tree up, and having Christmas in July. Oh, I remeber your tree decorating saga.  Didn't you say it's like, 20 ft tall and took you 3 weeks just to get the lights on? Jason Gale??? Lord she's already loopy!

Oy vey...I sound like a train wreck don't I? LOL

NO LINK, it was THIRTY FEET TALL and it took her 8 weeks to decorate. Oh Gale..you poor thing.

Did I say Jason??? Who the hell's Jason???

How 'bout J-U-S-T-I-N!

Told ya'll I can't think or spell on pain meds!


 Yep Link thats the tree...only it's 30 ft tall w/10 thousand lights and a million branches!

Poor Gale...you are a train wreck!

Katie would you believe my puppies don't mess with the tree? The first night they did but thats it. I'm amazed.

LOL at Milly...like any of can spell huh?

Oh yes Mo, and didn't you have to battle a family of rabid racoons when you pulled it out of the ground single handedly, roots and all??


Katie~  Interestingly, historians believe that the birth of Christ actually took place sometime in July. So it sounds perfect for you and J to celebrate then.

My tree sucks. I told Dale and Kim to get a smaller one this year and boy howdy did they ever. I seriously doubt if it even reaches 5 feet, and you can see right through the damn thing!I hear you Katie. I am a bit tight on the money this year also. I want to be well mostly. Just a little x-mas miricle is all i want. No biggy!! If not maybe a gin and tonic.Oh awesome Link! Yeah Katie, Christmas in July sounds perfect for you and Jason!

Nah they's ground hogs Link...suckers was mean too...Paul Bunyon lent me his ax. Babe pull it up by the roots. Got it in the stand myself though...

Have your fingers quit bleeding Mona?Milly, I'd join you with the gin and tonic, but that and the percocet would put me UNDER the tree! So Katie, who's this Jason?  Does Justin know about him? No Milly I had to be stictched up...then right back to the tree I went. One finger I chopped off but they sewed it back on...didn't feel a thing.SHE DID GALE! She had to load the powder in the light and everything...... I saw that on the news. And the crane got stuck and she was in the air for hours and the had to call the fire department to get her down. And she liked it.Oh, as if a tree that size would fit in a camera frame.  She's have to use a whole roll just to get the stumpThe funny thing is, I don't even know a Jason...so I have no idea where that name pooped up fron.

 I'm a mountain girl you buch a wussies.

Hubby put the star on tonight...all he had to do.

Who wants me to post picts???

Post away

Gale~ Pooped up fron?

I like my story better Mona.correction...'popped up from'


I'm a movie star Milly...didn't ya know??

I tooka million pictures, took three shots to get the whole tree in!Hi everyone...long time no see! Well guys, I've missed you, but I'm starting to hurt sittinhing here, so I'm going to call it a night. Talk to ya'll ytomorrow.are you "popped" gale?

Feel better Gale.  Sweet dreams


Hey Happ!

Hi Happ!!!! Gale, I am so sorry you are under the tree and Mona is (ahem) up a tree.
Wow, what I have missed this last few weeks!

 Hey Happ!

I need KAREN!! Ya'ld straighten up then by doggies!!!

How are ya Happ...where ya been?

Hi Linc, great pict of "your" animals! Katie, your animals are being wild...oh my. Yeah, there's nothing unusual there Happ. They're always wild. The kitten learned how to climb the curtains and open her treat cans when she was like....3 months old. Still does it to this day. Little turd. [QUOTE=moana]

 Hey Happ!


 Thank you Happ...that ought to do it! [QUOTE=moana]How are ya Happ...where ya been?[/QUOTE]
I am tired of hearing myself complain: I have either been in bed with my eyes taped shut, coming or going to the doctors, of feeling sorry for myself!

How 'bout you?!
 LOl Katie go easy on the boy for goodness sakes! He's sick!Happ, yeah "we" have some pretty cool critters.  But the we doesn't really include me.  it's my bro and SIL's business.  I'm just the keeper.Katie, Mo can prolly gut you. aww I'm sorry...I'm ok just my legs and feet hurt. Are you still flareing?That's too bad Happ, sorry to hear it.  Why do you have to keep your eyes taped shut?


Hmmmmm, I think I just figured out why Gale was having trouble spelling. My keys have all shifted: the f is where the r used to be, or something. Either that or my can't-spell-and-type-at-the-same-time-affliction has become worse! [QUOTE=Linncn]  I'm just the keeper.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, me too, but my critters are not nearly as exotic! *LOL*
Hey i did my first laundry in a week today. Is it wrong of me to imagine you with all of this energy and excitement. Someone has to do all of the work Mona. I am putting you and Link in charge of my x-mas this year. Wow are you both going to be busy. I am going to drink eggnog and watch. But i really do appreciate it. [QUOTE=Linncn]That's too bad Happ, sorry to hear it.  Why do you have to keep your eyes taped shut?[/QUOTE]

Bilateral Bell's Palsy, can't blink, which is not good with Sjogren's: I look kinda like an old Basset hound.
 I'm so tired my fingers just don't want to stretch to the right keys Happ....can't spell either. [QUOTE=milly]I am going to drink eggnog and watch. [/QUOTE]Hey there Milly! Eggnog with amaretto?
[QUOTE=moana] ...can't spell either.

Happ, my bro had Bell's palsey.  His went away withen a couple of months though.  His doc was amazed.  How long have you had it?


OK Milly.. me and Link will do your house, then pop on down to do Happ's

Happ my hubby's friend had Bell's Palsey one time...he got ok after awhile...hope you do to.Happ That is a stinky deal. How the heck did you get bilateral bells palsy? [QUOTE=Linncn]...  How long have you had it?[/QUOTE]
About three weeks, it, along with some other neurological deficits, is the result of a "crash" in B-12. Having difficulty getting those levels back up and stable.

Everyone with autoimmune illness needs to get their B-12 checked...I thought I was keeping track of mine, but in less than a month I went from norm to severe depletion.

Edited to add...I vented my angst >>HERE<< , FWIW.

Really?  I didn't know that Happ.  Thanks.

Well, I gotta go to bed girls.  Have a fun night. Ciao

Wow i will do that i was looking up some of my stuff on my bloodwork and some things were out of wack rdw or something. What exactly dose it say on blood work actually B-12 or is it something else that tells them that?

 Yep me too Link goodnight

Happ I didn't know that either.. that's good to know though. Hope you get well soon.

TTLY later...gotta go to bed. [QUOTE=milly]... say on blood work actually B-12 or is it something else that tells them that?[/QUOTE]

It varies between labs, but usually has the legend Vitamin B-12 either as a component of the testing or as value of the results. The values are indicated as pg/ml
Thanks. I have to get some bloodwork done anyway. My potasium was low. And my liver is suppost to get checked as well as in Jan they will test more stuff. I do briuse pretty easy i know that.
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