Sjogren’s Anyone? | Arthritis Information


I have both fibromyalgia and Sjogren's, but the Sjogren's is a relatively new dx. for me. So if there is anyone here who also has Sjogren's and is willing to discuss it with me, I surely would appreciate it. [QUOTE=lurkernomore]...So if there is anyone here who also has Sjogren's and is willing to discuss it with me,[/QUOTE]

Hi Katie, I have secondary Sjögren's syndrome, my primary SS complaint is dry eyes and dry, irritated, and fragile nasal mucosa. I use a variety of wetting agents for both conditions. In the past I have had both upper and lower punctal plugs with great improvement. For a garden variety of reasons it became necessary to remove the plugs. I am _hoping_ to re-qualify for them sometime in the future. I have found moisture chamber eye wear to be of benefit, especially at night.

Additionally, my _problems_ include swollen parotid glands, hoarseness, and difficulty in swallowing. The fatigue factor of Sjögren's syndrome is compounded by, or compounds, the fatigue of RA. Fatigue is my nemesis; the enemy of battle each day.

I am classified as polyarthritic, so it is impossible for me to judge, or even guess, if any joint pain is related to Sjögren's, or a response to RA. Currently the treatment for both is the same: NSAIDS, Plaquenil, and the folic acid analogue, Methotrexate.

Welcome to the discussions. I look forward to your input.

Con brio, Happ

I have also been recently diagnosed with Sjogren's, as well as RA. I am having an extremely hard time dealing with these conditions, not to mention the side effects from the meds I'm on. Was taking predisone, plaquenil and celebrex, but now have been switched to methotrexate, sulfasalzine, and pilocarpine.

What kind of dosage of methotrexate is the norm? My rhuemy put me on 20 mg a week, right off the bat. I honestly have been feeling like I am dying, no exaggeration.
