Friday Freak-Mart Trip | Arthritis Information


Well it started out like every other trip to freak-mart. We went to the "We Sell for Less" side first to get the nessecary hygene products.

I am standing there look for ultra thins and hubby was to be getting the shampoo, his deoderant, soap, and toothpaste. He comes back over to where I am at and says "Do not go down the deoderant isle. If he looks at me like that again I am going to break him in half!" I was like "What? You need deoderant!" At that point I had no clue what he was talking about. So I head down that isle and then I realize what he was talking about. It was the "ex-boyfriend" & his wife. Hubby is right behind me saying "Go to the shampoo isle!" There the "ex" is waving hi to me and I waved back, not to be started laughing like a

So, I back up to the end of the isle and head toward the shampoo isle. All the way there I was telling hubby we needed to get his deoderant before we forgot it and he was like "Yeah right, that is not the reason you want to go back to that isle." I was like "duh, yes it is!" So he says "Fine go!" So, We go back to the deoderant isle and they are still there! The "ex" is looking at the same deoderant hubby was wanting! So, I stood in for my turn.

Then the "ex's" wife tells the "Ex" get what you want I don't care. I then start laughing again, whilemlooking at hubby and the "ex's" wife is looking at me crazy. So he chooses one and then they walk to the end of  the isle and then the "ex" waves bye. I did not wave bye...Hi was enough...I know my

So, I am standing there smelling the deoderants to see which I would like hubby to smell like. I then start to talk to hubby about seeing him at our Freak-Mart 2 Fridays in a row! And how odd it was and that I wondered if they moved down here. So, I then ask hubby if I can track the "ex" down to ask him what he was doing at our freak-mart. Hubby said no. So, I started begging him and then this lady was standing there and said "keep begging he will give in"...LOL...

Then I realize I needed a toothbrush. Hubby was like "yeah right". As we were rounding the toothbrush isle corner hubby says "That lady does not know me...I do not give in!" I was like "Yeah, yeah!" So, we went and got me a toothbrush. I had to get a new toothbrush because the one I have now is kinda hard to get between my teeth to brush them when my jaw is stiff, so I got a children's toothebrush.

Man, I think hubby is setting this up. Because it is really starting to look suspicous!! It is starting to freak me out. I mean the "ex" is stalking me?? I swear I have nothing to do with this at ALL!!

So, we are heading over to the grocery side and I notice hubby checking out this girl. So, I told him if we bump into the "ex" again I get to ask my question of "Hey man, whatcha doin' here?" In a nice, polite voice to get the Yes, I am nosey and this is just killing me not being able to ask questions to give me some

I need gossip...must have gossip!!

So hubby agreed. But we did not bump into them again. I think hubby's mean look at the "ex" scared the "ex" Hubby said when the "ex" first saw him when he came to the deoderant isle he looked at him and went the other way and came back with his

Then we get back home and hubby had to take some groceries he bought for his mom to her house. he goes in and tells his mom of who we saw again! And then asked his mom if she would bail him out of jail if he broke the "lil red headed bastard in half" She said yes she would, but that he did not need to be fighting in



Oh Gawd, I would totally freak if I ran into my ex. We would probably just ignore one another. Pretty funny story though, it is freaky Friday!

Oh yea, I did see my ex broken down on the side of the road a few months after the divorce. Of course I drove on by and I am sure he saw the truck. Does that make me mean???

My ex-boyfriend...the one that beat me,gave me stitches,treated me like a dog for 4 years then dumped me when I got preganent moved right infront of my parents.This butthole of a guy did one good thing and gave up parental rights to my daughter and my husband adopted her.I begged my dad to not be buddies with him,but that didn't matter.They became friends even after I told my dad how mean he was to me.Which my dad doesn't remember he was too drunk back then and my mom couldn't have cared less.When I see my ex it makes me feel like a vicitim not on ex girlfriend.he really messed me up physically and mentally.I have ran into him a few times, never speak.

I hope you find out what you want to know about ex.I am curious too.I wish I knew why my ex moved right infront of my parents of all places to move.

Maybe you can keep a journal of your feak mart trips,write a book.That would be a funny read for sure.You would be a good one to shine a humerous light on such an awful thing as RA.


Awww... Thanks shelia!! I might write a book one day, when I am not Sorry to hear you were is such a bad relationship. My "ex" treated me like a princess compared how my hubby treats me. Hubby does not put me before himself like the "ex" did...that is why I say that. But probably better for me not to be so

Nope, Shelli, that does not make you mean. If that happened to me a few years back I would have probably of ran the "ex" over. I was such a bitter person after he dumped me. I did not care to bump into him and get an update on his life back then. I would have made his life more that is how I was...I have decided to forgive him back about 2 yrs ago.

I think I just want to know things because it fasinates me that he & my ex best friend are not together anymore. PLUS, I want to know why he has a beefcake for a I would have never of that he would even date someone who was a I am just nosey. My family use to keep me up to date on his life when they lived on the same street as use to go visit them...but now they all moved into the same city as me 10 mins away. I know that is not the reason he is around, because he did not even know they

Oh yeah!! I also told hubby that if we kept bumping into the "ex" I was going to have to get in shape and start lookin' Hubby was like "whatever!" I was just messing with hubby though.

Oh yeah hubby now calls the "ex" "5 foot piece of Sh!t""ex" is actually 5'4" I think. That is not as creative as mine was "Miss Piggie". He sucks and he is suppose to be the brighter bulb in the box! That Nerd!

Tell me what it's like to be treated like a princess?My husband has no clue.I would love to be spoiled.

Don't tell me ex left you for your friend?Oh man, I would have beat the _____ out of both of them.I did beat up a friend along time ago for cheating with my butthead of a boyfriend.Funny thing he drove me to her house and I went crazy on her.They threatened to put a restraining order out on me.But of course being young and stupid I stayed with the butthead boyfriend.I tell ya, when you are desperate to do anything to get out of yor house and away from your parents you will settle for anything.

My husband is clueless when it comes to taking care of me.He is 9 years older than me.I was 21 and he was 30 when we got married.he still thinks of me as this dumb young girl.I will be 40 in Feb.I swear sometimes I just want to smack him.I am so desperate for some lovign attention.Before I got sick back in June I was working out alot,haven't beento gym in 3 weeks and going crazy.I have lost 60 pounds and have to admit was getting some looks at the gym.I was very flatered.I got 40 more pounds to lose and maybe a boob job too.


Tehehehehe shelia! That is GREAT! The weight loss! Hope you can get back to working out again real soon!

Well, I no longer get treated like a princess. Hubby does not spoil me at all. It was really hard to transition from getting what I wanted to having to beg for what I wanted.

The "ex" was GREAT about buying me things that I just wanted because I wanted it or he would do things for me, like spend all of his time with me and not his We were together all the time, he would go where ever I wanted to go and what ever I wanted to do. We never fought or even argued...It was my kind of

Well, there was this one time I did call him up at Pizza Hut and cuss him out and broke up with him because my sister called and told me he was there with another girl. I later found out it was his long time friend from church that I was friends with, we were back together 2 hrs

As, for the leaving me for my a lil' lesbian. If you would care to read the condensed version click here I need answer.... didn't see that coming.Now I know for sure you need to write a book. You're just to cool for words

Oh my Gosh! He must have a nice truck.Never have understood girls liking guys for the cars or trucks they drive.And how wild is that you spilled your guts to the foster mom.Good thing she saw things your way, this girl must have been a problem for her.I still don't understand how can they be a couple if she is a lesbian

Does your ex still have that nice truck?