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Hi Snowowl and welcome to the board. So sorry about your ra dx but this is a great place to get your questions answered by lots of people who are/have experienced the same things as you are going through. Depression is part of this disease. I was always upbeat and full of energy but as things progressed my dr prescribed cymbalta which is a anti-depressant and also helps with the pain recepters in my brain.  I haven't heard about those kind of side effects from those meds. I too am allergic to sulfa and can't take them. Lots of people here will help you out (better than I could).

take care

Howdy SnowOwl...sorry you had to find us...I am not on that med but wanted to welcome you to AI. I have bouts of depression and am not sure if it comes from one of my meds, RA, or just normal ways. You should talk to your RD though. Keep us posted.  Blessed39430.9726157407Hi Snowowl, from what I can gather  so far about depression is that having RA can leave you open to feelings of depression, throw in some drugs and perhaps some family history.

I have had RA for twelve months now and suffer depression which has only been with me since getting RA.
This is in some ways is harder to fight than the RA as it can come on suddenly, that feeling of whats the use, wanting to cry for no apparent reason.

I look around and think to myself, what's to be really depressed about Stephen, your not in pain, the suns shining, I have food in my belly, so what's causing you to feel this way.

This may last for an hour or perhaps a day then is gone.

I think just having RA and the associated pain slowly grinds the most optimistic of us down sometimes.

Hang in there.
Hi Snowowl, welcome, sorry you have to visit us here but with this dreaded disease, we are lucky to have each other to listen and understand.  In my experience its from a combination of things, the disease being the main cause, change of lifestyle/habits due to pain.  By all means check with your GP and I am sure their experience will help you deal with whatever is causing it.  Best of luck, Janie. I had terrible depression after DX, but I think mine was a symptom of RA and not of the meds. Anyway, it lifted after about two months on Antibiotic Protocol Therapy and has not returned!

I hope you get yours sorted out soon. Depression is debilitating in itself, on top of everything else us "RAers" have to deal with.
SnowOwl, I also want to welcome you.  On my first visit to the rheumy, she told me that I might need something for depression and I replied, "but I am not depressed" and she said "but you will be". I thought that was odd of her to say that and even complained to hubby and friends about her reply.  But, she was right on.  I do not take anything at the moment, but I am thinking of asking for something.  I hope that your journey with this dreadful disease is an easy one.
