Talkin’ ’bout my inspiration. | Arthritis Information


So there's this woman on AP at and I've been watching
her for about 8 months posting and she kept posting about how it wasn't
working and how discouraged she was and how bogus the whole AP thing
was (I'm paraphrasing here). And then she was posting that it wasn't
working but she did have a pain free day. Then she posted how she
thought it didn't work and it wasn't working. But she did have a few pain
free days. But it wasn't working. She really posted about how it wasn't
working A LOT.

She is now completely pain free.

It worked!

She reminds me of my TCMP; a total skeptic who is amazed and surprised
every time it works.

She is my AP muse.

(But Pip, you're still my AP mentor)GoGo - I am waiting for the six month timeframe, as I am confident some major change is about to happen.  I have had so many good things happen (temp regulation, sick feeling gone, etc), that I just need to hang in there for the next set of AH HAs.  Take care ~~ CathyI have been following her as well!! I can't wait to be there :) JSNM, I haven't revealed this but about 2 or 3 months ago I had a short bout of food poisoning and as I was squatting over the toilet barfing I suddenly noticed I was squatting and that my knee didn't hurt.

So that was my AHA moment.

It was kind of funny because it was so distracting I forgot to barf for a moment. It's a story that's a little akward to share.

I just found that woman so inspiring because she did everything wrong and had no faith and the AP still worked!  (In her own words: "I posted my disbelief in ap with all the passion I had"). It did take over a year for her, so hang in there. Gimpy-a-gogo39431.5406018519