Saturday Chat | Arthritis Information


Goodmorning everyone!!!  It is a snowy day here in IL....I told Kelsay to go look out the window when she got up and she goes " Oh my gosh...Thank you God"  It was so cute!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!!

I'm up early today, got to get some shopping done before I can leave tomorrow for Oregon.

I remember those days, Shannon. My boys loved the snow. We moved to Colorado from California when they were little and it was like a winter wonderland for them. Not so much for me. It was pretty, that's for sure, but 5 dirty, wet snowsuits that were taken off at least 10 times a day got old, real fast

Have a safe Saturday!

im up early studying GROSS!!! already been in the library for 2 hours.......

hope everyone has a good sat!

Hello folks! Seems like these weekend chats are really slow!!!!


It's raining like MAD outside! The wind is gusting at 40mph, it's just nuts out. Only a tiny bit of thunder though, so that's good. A poor Heron flew into a transformer downtown and fried himself and about 2 blocks of power. Poor birdy!!! He was probably thrown off from all the wind and rain.


"Can you play the Florida lottery here?"



"Do you have an elevator that goes to the second floor?" (Asked as they're standing in front of, you guessed it, the elevators!)

So we're supposed to be getting 6-11 inches of snow tongiht starting at midnight and going through tomorrow till 7pm.  Figures we get it on a weekend and don't even get a snow day out of it.  And we have a party to go to tonight that's like 40 miles away.  Someone from my husbands work is throwing it and I guess it's just a big get drunk party.  I hate those.  I know I'm gonna be the one stuck driving home through a blizzard. 

But, I did finish up most of my Christmas shopping today, so that's good.  What's everyone else doing tonight??

I'm working and being bored. Well, not totally bored. There's a water spout headed our way. That's kinda cool. LoL They never hit land, don't worry. But they have to warn us anyway, cause it can come up on the shore a little. And yeah, we can see the shore from our front door. The sky is nice and tornado-ey right now and the wind is just WHIPPIN. It was raining sideways and so hard earlier you could barely stand out there.


So THAT'S fun!


Justin's okay. He ate pizza though. I keep trying to convince him that he's become mildy lactose intollerant, but he didn't believe me. Last time he felt sick, he had pizza. Well guess who's home feeling sick? Yup. I think he FINALLY gets it now.

Men.  Why don't they just know we're always right??

I still have a little sewing kit that my youngest daughter (age 36) got for me when she was in elementary school. A baby food jar with a felt Santa on top, filled with  thread, needle, tiny scissors, etc.

I hope Kelsay gets over her cold so she can enjoy all the fun things about Christmas! This is such a fun age for little girls. What a little Sweetie she is, thanking God for the snow!

Have fun!

Much love,. Nini

Nini, yea all she keeps talking about is getting to see what she can buy on Monday...No playing in the snow today...she seems to be feeling better but we're gonna wait another day maybeAnyone home tonight?Yes it is freezing rain and will turn to snow. Everyone i know is hunkered down. Whats shaking on your end.It's cold here too...but then, I'm talking Southern California cold. LOLHow are you feeling? Better, but my back is still bothering me a lot. I'm on 40 mg. of Prednisone right now, so the overall aches are much better. I just wish I could sleep. This much Pred. amps me right up!Hey Milly - I was checking the internet for the Culturelle probiotic you're taking, and I found some REALLY cheap places. One site had it for .99 for 30 pills.I am sorry you are on so much pred. I went a head and took 10mg today or i would still be asleep. Plus i was hurting to much. But it did the trick. I think Mona is around here some place.Thanks for the tip. Mona, Mona...come out, come out wherever you are! Can't hide from us!

Hubby got "us" a Christmas present yesterday

My heat has run all day...all week the air ran.


You know i do not think i can drink egg nog. I get sick if i drink milk. Well i still miss it. That is probably why i havn't had any for a while glad i remembered that. Surely it would have come to at the store I would have thought what are you doing in this isle. Are you kidding! California already HAS a bad reputation!

 You'd fit right in Milly...with Gale!I spent the entire day in bed.  Sleeping, reading, watching a bit of TV.  For some reason, I've been exhausted lately.  The plaqenil seems to make me a bit tired, and there's the stress of holidays, and wacky family stuff (don't even get me started on my psychotic mother), and to top it off there seems to be some sort of bug going around town.  Many of my co-workers are coughing and snotting, and the kids, DH and I have all been snotty these last couple days as well.  We all just laid low today.  Besides, it was snowing off and on, and no one in town seems to know how to drive when there's a few flakes on the street. Thank goodness I cooked and froze a bunch of meals a few weeks back!  We've had chicken fajitas and beef stew today.  One of us will have to venture out to go to the grocery store tomorrow; not too much left in the freezer! Yes it seems the majority of the universe is snotty at the moment. People had been bugging me about going out all week. Then i went to enormase lengths to wake my self up and get dressed to find out there is an ice storm and nobody wanted to go out anymore. They are like didn't you check the weather? I said no i was in a coma kinda hard to do. Check the weather and be in a coma. It is the antibiotic knocks me out and already tired from the RA.