OT - Lactose Intollerance VS Milk Allergy | Arthritis Information


So a g/f of mine I've been trying to convice that she's probably lactose intollerant. She kept talking about how every time she had ice cream or mac n cheese, she'd end up miserable.

She did her own little test and found out that she can eat any of it, as long as she takes benadryl!


WHY!?!!? Can I do that too???? LOL I wanna have cheese again!!!

My son was severely lactose intolerant when he was young. Even Lactaid would not help. Never heard of benadryl helping-maybe she has more of an allergy to milk? He would have horrible burning diarreah and pain. Our pediatrician said it was like drinking battery acid would be for us. Can you eat yogurt with live cultures? It gets the enzymes you are missing into your digestive tract and will help. He could have goat's milk and goat cheese (feta) and very hard cheeses like parmesan. I think the more aged /processed the cheese was the less trouble it would cause him(?). Pizza about killed him because of the mozzarella. Later he could take lactaid and eat more dairy. I'm sorry for you, it was miserable, and it seems like just about everything has dairy in it. Happily, he improved as he got older.



Have you tried fat free products.  If I drink anything but fat free milk I get migraines.  Same thing if I eat good ice creme chocolate stuff like that same goes for my oldest son.  My Dr told me years ago he never heard of that but it happens to both my son and I.  Two of my other kids have different problems with milk my daughter and son get sick to their stomach and  sometimes throw up when they drink anything but fat free milk. When ever my daughter would order a milkshake from an ice creme store she would drinks half throw up drink the other half throw up again then I started to request fat free milk and that make all the difference in the world she can now drink them just fine.  For some reason all of seem to have problems with the milk fat.  Why not try fat free milk products see if it helps you could also try fat free and lactose free that is what helped my oldest when he was younger.

Good luck and Merry Christmas

Well Katie, if it is a milk allergy that you have too then that might explain why the lactaid doesnt work. But arent there other lactose free products? I know you can get soy cheese and soy milk cuz I buy them sometimes just for dieting purposes and soymilk is great in coffee as a creamer.I do not even know which i have. I can still eat cheese. And i can handle a little milk in cooked foods. But if i drink milk it comes right back up. I have no idea.Well sure, I get lots of lactose free things. Just ate a little bowl of lactose free ice cream. :) I'm just wondering why it works for her. We have the same symptoms (sorry if this is tmi for you)

Horrible, painful diarrhea, cramping, nausea, bloating - I've landed myself in the ER twice before we figured out what the hell was wrong with me. I just don't know what makes it an "allergy" versus an "intolerance" I'm going to take some benadryl and eat a slice of pizza on one of my days off. I'm willing to endure a little pain for the sake of science!

Ok, Intollerance vs. allergy.

Intollerance is when you are senstive to the sugar content in the milk.  The sugar reacts as a catalyst for your system chemically.  It usually causes diarrhea, cramping and nausea, and sometime it can cause actually throwing up.  Once the milk passes the symptoms subside.   Taking the benedryl before would calm down the H2 response some, but not all because this is a reaction to the milk sugar.  You do have to check out different fat contents in the milk as well, some can do the skim milk and others do well with more fat.  My daughter is a classic person for this.  She can go as high as 2%, but she can only have milk once a day.  She can also tolerate cream well, and I tolerate cream better too.  It is a hard thing, and if it is ripping your stomach up...I would try soy or rice milk.  It is not worth it.  I have also noticed that she is less tolerant to milk right before her period also. 

The allergy is somewhat rare and most that are allergic to beef are allergic to milk.  I have more of a tummy reaction to beef than I do to milk now that I am older.  I used to be very sensitive to milk and would go for months without it, because of the nasal congestion that would follow along with the diarrhea etc.  If you are allergic it is the milk that you are allergic to and not the sugar, so in true allergies you will get most of the symptoms of lactose intollerance, but you will also get some nasal congestion and an overall itchy feeling.  

Here is a guide to tell you the different reactions:(remember most allergies can get better if they are childhood allergies: mine are better, but not completely solved...I also take allergy shots once a week too)



Yes, Shannon...your cousin is right if milk is cooked the first thing that is cooked out is the sugar.  It makes total sense to me.  I can eat milk safely that has been put in casseroles and things like that. 

I then know i am intollerent of milk. I miss having it on my cereal. I was a milk aholic my whole life till several years ago five or six years ago i guess. It was to apparent of the cause. It would not stay in me three minutes it was so immediate. I was not sick afterward i do not think. It did not stay long enough to have lasting effects. Cheese i do not throw up so i eat it. Most cheese is cooked, so that is a big difference and that is why even people that are lactose intollerant can eat cheese.  You still have to be careful about the amount. 

Well what the hell is wrong with me then?? LOL


I can't have cheese, milk (of any kind), yogurt, or anything that has milk in it. I even started having gas this week, and couldn't figure out why. Until I read the side of my cereal box and found it was made with milk. Stopped eating it, stopped having the horrible gas & pains. *sigh*

It's gotten to the point of insane. I still do eat a few things that contain milk (cooked) but it does cause discomfort and bloating. I just only eat it when I'm feeling REALLY good. Ya know?


It's just frustrating. It's not something I *have* to fix, just something I'm really curious about. I have lactose free milk and I do just fine with that. Same with the lactose free ice cream.

The whole family is gluten and dairy free!!  The only way to know if
you are truly lactose intolerance or have some kind of issue with
dairy is to cut it out all together.  Do it for about a month and then
try and introduce a small amount... if you react you'll know about it !!There's nothing more horrible than the bowel going into spasm!!
Dairy seems to be an odd thing, some people can eat cheese, some can tolerate yogurt, some can eat cooked dairy, and others cant eat anything.    Everyone in our family is of the "can't eat anything brigade" which makes for an interesting life!!!  But don't worry there are so many alternatives out there, and you do get used to them, even if it takes a little while.
I have a true milk allergy.  I cannot tolerate milk or any of its derivatives; even minute amounts of lactose, milk protein, milk fat, etc. send my digestive system into shock.   It began in infancy and has continued all of my adult life.  I am 64 now.  It is to the point that it is dangerous for me to consume any milk products in any shape or form, no matter how it is prepared.  I have to scrutinize every label and ask lots of questions at restaurants how the food is prepared.  It is like playing Russian Roulette to eat anything I don’t prepare myself.  I even have to make sure that any medicine I consume has no milk derivatives in it.   For me, not even Benydril works!About 10 years ago, it was discovered that I also have celiac, the inability to digest gluten.  Fortunately, I had a history of restricting my diet, so restricting another entire food group was not that earth shaking.  However, it does take some imagination when cooking. Then, recently, the doctor informed me that I now have RA.  Oh, joy!  

I know this isnt your (katie's) problem because you do eat meat...but I have a friend who has this sort of rare disorder where around the age of 20 her body stopped producing the enzyme that breaks down animal protien. She cant have anything that comes from an animal...no dairy, no eggs, no meat. She becomes violently ill with explosive uncontrolled diarrhea and vomiting. Even a little smear of cream cheese that was smeared on the inside of sandwhich made her very sick. It was such a small ammount that she didnt detect it when she examined the sammy before eating it as she does with all premade foods. That one landed her 24 hrs on a plastic sheet on the floor of her bathroom.

Crazy right?

BTW....what about butter?and mayonaise??

No problem with mayo, as long as I don't have A LOT. Butter I don't really use, and when I do it's a very small amount, so as far as I know it's fine.


Eggs have become 50/50. Sometimes it KILLS me. And others I'm just dandy. I haven't figured out why yet.

mayo has dairy? i eat dairy free mayo....for awhile i thought i was a lactard and i probably am but i gave up on lactaids, i dont eat a lot of straight dairy anyway and my stomach was screwed up with them so who knows. I have celiac also, and have tested allergic through blood work and skin testing for eggs and milk...but i have never reacted, so the doc said as long as i dont eat a ton its ok. i can not be egg dairy and gluten free! lolKelsay couldnt have anything w/ milk in it for the first almost 2 years.  It was horrible, lemmie tell ya.  It was weird, cause from 2 till last winter she was fine, she could have anything even w/ milk in it then she started having dark circles under her eyes, which my aunt said was from some kind of allergy.  So the first thing I thought of was milk, I stoped giving her milk to drink and gave her soy milk and she was fine.  Now she can have cheese and anything that has milk in it, she just cant drink it.  Now I cant have more then one bowl of cereal w/ milk or im in the bathroom all morning.  And I just found out that eggs do the same thing, I can take benadryl and it subsides it a little but Im still it the bathroom all morning.  Im not sure if it can be in foods I eat cause I really havent paid attention to it yet.  Who knows...I am gonna 'try' to see if eggs in foods bothers me. Milk is a weird animal because you can be reacting to either lactose or casein. Lactose is the sugar and casein is the protein.

True allergies are anaphylactic and are the kind where you will swell up and stop breathing, need to carry an epi pen, etc.

Intolerance makes you miserable. I like to say, an allergy will kill you but an intolerance just makes you WANT to die. LOL.

Some forms of cheese are very low in lactose. I think this is touched upon in Breaking the Vicious Cycle, the book by Elaine Gottschall about intestinal health through diet. It helps heal your digestive system so your intolerances can become tolerated foods again.

She recommends a select range of cheeses for people with digestive issues. Also goat milk yogurt with probiotics in it and stuff like that. Cheese is an experiment I definitely want to try! :)

Goat milk protein is much easier to digest for most people. Also the yogurt making process that Elaine describes denatures the casein, making it broken down so it won't cause a reaction. You can use her yogurt making method with regular cow milk too.

I personally am excited to think I might be able to eat that stuff again. I cut out the dairy because I thought it was affecting my RA, but now hopefully I am improving enough to eat it again.

Hope that helps!

Doesn't matter what i do, dairy is my enemy.  I can have a little bit of cheese though, only a little.

Milk, eggnog, yogurt all cause bowel problems for me.

Just added eggs to my "cannot have list"


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