cystic encephalomalacia in the pons | Arthritis Information


Does anyone know about cystic encephalomalacia?  I had an MRI of my head and neck for my neck problems and they accidentally found "cystic encephalomalacia in the pons".

I just had another MRI with contrast done to investigate it more. The only thing I've read is that it comes from a stroke like brain injury, however I don't believe I have any symptoms that would indicate a stroke.  I do have dizziness, blurred vision and ringing in my ears from time to time but for me that's normal and I thought just part of my RA, Fibro and fatigue.  My PCP didn't seem overly concerned but just making sure he wasn't missing something.  I'm thankful he's so thorough.

So, as you can imagine, I'm wondering what else it could be.  If anyone knows anything about this, I'm all ears!!!

Thanks so much!
Kim, sorry I haven't heard of that particular disorder, but it would worry me if the docs told me I had it!  I would certainly ask the PCP whether or not anythings needs to done for it or if you need to watch out for any symptoms.   Ooh, Kim. I don't think I've ever heard of that before. I would think if it was something really bad, your doc would have been all over it. Maybe someone else on here knows more about it? Thanks Mary and Mrs. Alexander for your responses.  I'm a little perplexed by the whole thing, as you can imagine.  I should find out the test results in the next week or so and I'll let you know what it is.

In the meantime, if there is anyone out there who has any idea what the heck is going on, I would love to hear from you.

Thanks again so much.
