OT dh post op update | Arthritis Information


Okay well, Danny had his surgery this morning around 730 and it took about 2 hours. The surgeon came out to tell me that it went well. They used the cadaver bone for the graft and then put in plates and screws. His ligaments and tendons and the miniscus are all intact so that, at least, is a good thing. He did have some issues in recovery with his blood pressure and some episodes of apnea but he was back in the room by noon and was ready to have lunch. He still is having pain, of course, but it is relatively under control. He has the drain in for now, and his leg is splinted from the top of his theigh to the tip of his toe. They added a bar above the bed and they will be bringing a machine that gently moves the knee. He will have PT tommorrow to try and get him up on crutches. I have my doubts about how well he will do with that, but a lot can change in 24 hrs so we will see. Depending on how he does with his pain managment and the crutches, he may get to go home on Tuesday. I am going to have my work cut out for me for sure. Anyways I am so tired right now I feel like it is 10 at night. I have been up since 6am and with only a few hours of sleep. I am going to try and get a nap before his parents show up with our kids. Thanks again for all the support.


Awesome news Hun. It really sounds like it went great. If nothing else, you can rest knowing that it went the best it could have gone. He sounds like he bounces back really well, so that's a plus!!!


Good luck to you, and keep us updated. Have you managed to call Lizzie? Would you like me to? Just lemmie know. *hugs*

Glad the surgery went well, Crunchy. 

I'm very glad to hear the surgery was successful.  Please keep us posted on his recovery.

Ditto to everyone's comments. Make sure you take care of yourself, too. Sorry to hear about the accident, but am glad he is in recovery now! Crunchy, I'm glad the surgery is over and everything went well.  I can well imagine how exhausted you must be and overwhelmed with everything that has happened and I hate to harp on this, but please, please, don't let the business with the night club slip.  You MUST talk to an attorney about this.  Sorry to be a nag, but this is very important and exactly what liability insurance is in place for.  You deserve full compensation for what your family is going through.  Make sure you deal with a plaintiffs' attorney, one who specializes in this type of suit. 

Well he was doing pretty good but now we are up because his pain is out of control again and the nurse is giving him some extra meds...I dont know. He seems to go in cycles with this. He will be good for 2 or 3 hours and then it just gets out of control. Which with him having the morphine PCA pump he should be able to maintain a thereapeutic level. So we will see how he does tonight. They tried to put him on c-pap for the apnea but with the pain he was having he just couldnt deal with the mask and everything so we took it off. At least I got a 30 min nap earlier and then I slept from about 9pm to 1130pm.  I dont see how I am going to be able to work tommorrow night unless maybe I get my friend to come sit with him...when he is alone he tends to forget to hit the button on the PCA pump until he is in severe pain. So far the doctor has not wanted to order a basal rate so he only gets it if he pushes the button. I guess I will see what tonight and tomorrow brings. I really need to work tomorrow night.

I cant believe christmas is just around the corner. It really doesnt feel like it. I had just managed to buy a few presents for the kids the day before this happened. At least we have some stuff for them...and my sons 8th birthday is the first week of January so I need to set aside some money for his b-day too. If I can do that and pay a few bills I will be okay. Sigh..what a pain in butt..and the leg too.
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