My eyes are squeeking | Arthritis Information


I don't know what  is causing this, but when I blink my eyes they squeek (sp). Is that a symptom of Sjogrens? It is nerve racking to say the least. What should I do meanwhile? I don't have an appointment to see my RD for another week.



Good possibly.  I have secondary sjogrens, Ra being primary.   Most of the time its treated with eye drops - refresh PM, possible plugs in the tear ducts, and Restasis.  I do the first two and presently staying away from Restasis until more people have been on it.  We are dealing with our sight and I don't want to hear recall on it two years from now.


Teah try warm compresses on your eyes and maybe some eye drops that produse moitsture for your eyes.  It sounds like thye are drying out.  Good luck at the rd.  meme

Hi Teah,

I have just been diagnosed with sjogren and put on restasis. My eyes feel so much better. Talk to your rd. Is your mouth and/or nose dry too?


Teah  - Hey that sound like it could be the Sjogrens.  Have you tried the thick refresh at night - it's more of a gel - it might help :P


Hello everyone,

Thank you so much for your replies. Yes, my mouth is also dry, but it doesn't bother me near as much as my eyes do. I'm going to the RD on the 16th and I will bring it to his attention then. I feel like a science project and just don't know what is going on with this body of mine anymore.

Love and hugs,


Hi ,

Sorry this post is late.  I am a new member also and when I read your post, I knew you could use a little insight as to what could be happening.

Dry eyes syndrome, often goes hand in hand with RA. When I had my eyes examined, my eye doctor told me to buy some over the counter "tear replacement eye drops" to replenish my tears.  Also, said he could give me a "scrip" for Restasis.  I opted for Restasis.  I would ask your RD about "tear replacement eye drops". and if this problem could be part of having RA.  My eyes where watering all the time and then they would feel gritty, like I had sand in them and then they would feel so dry, I thought, like you, you could hear then rubbing against my eye sockets...was not a very pretty picture or to say the least, very comfortable.

Hope this helps a little bit and helps to keep you playing with the little ones...

Hope you and your family have a great weekend



I'm new to the board too and catching up on all the old discussions. I've ahd JRA for 30+ years. It's so interesting to see all these topics and find familiarity.

I have severe dry eyes and restasis didn't help. I got plugs put in my tear ducts and they have been great since. It sounds gross but having the plugs put in was painless. I was a bit sore the next day. That was the only discomfort. I can't feel them at all.

Now my eyes are very wet and I carry a tissue with me at all times. But I no longer need glasses.

It seems to me my eyes went from dry to severly dry when I started on enbrel. They're also at their worst pre-menstrual.

Hope you find something that works for you.


