Prednisone & Doing Better | Arthritis Information


So... I am on 10mg of prednisone, have been since my last real visit with RD. She bumped me up from 5mg to 10mg.

Since starting Remicade, I do not feel like I need the prednisone anymore. For example...

Last night I came home and fell asleep. I did not take my meds, because it was too early, and figured hubby would wake me up when he came to bed. Well... woke up around 6am when the alarm went off. I was not stiff, and everything moved and bent just like they did before I went to sleep.

Now if that would have happened a week ago... I would have been in so much pain and unable to move or even get outta the bed and would have been like that all day and even more swelled to boot.

So... I am thinking I no longer need the predisone. I was going to ask about weening off of it yesterday, but... I just decided to stay on it for now until I get the 2 more infusions to make sure I am going to keep responding well to it.

But I am thinking I am going to knock myself back down to 5mg. Only been taking the 10mg of a couple of weeks.

Not much swelling, not much pain, just a lot of snap, crackles and pops! But the Fibro is acting up. Need to find something to help with that. I am taking Nortriptyline for it, but it does not seem to work, but I am also not on the highest dose, she has me increasing it 1 pill every week, and I just started taking it again. So hopefully when I get to the 30mg of Nortriptyline it will help with the Fibro.

Glad you are feeling so much better, Joonie!

I didn't know nortriptyline would help with fibro. I am starting to think I may have fibro as I have many of the tender points and have a lot of muscle pain lately. But I'm on 150 mg of nortriptyline already for nerve pain.


Laker - That is what my RD said she put me on for my Fibro and to replace the Amitriptylin I was put on for the IC. I am only on 30mg of it for right now. I am suppose to be going to get scoped for the IC, probably then she will change me on to something else or up it.

I have an appt with the urologist in Jan 4th. So... some time after that I will get scoped probably.

I hope you are doing well.

Joonie, that's great news.  You deserve a break. 