Shelly41?! | Arthritis Information


How are you doing?

WooHoo!  Today is infusion day!!!  I have been doing horribly, I have been in so much pain...I have just wanted to give up!  I have just wanted to sleep, but could not, b/c of pain.  I hate waiting this long for my infusion. 

MIL is here, and things are very frustrating for me.  The kids are very frustated too.  So, I am playing interferrence for them. 

Jeff and I went for our second counselling trip yesterday.  hmmm!

YAY! for infusion day!!!! I hope it helps you and makes most of your pain go away.

Everything seems to frustrate me more when I am in more pain and RA is is more outta control than normal. I hate it when I get grouchy, I tend to hurt people's feelings.

Not sure what to say about the reply tot he councling trip... just hope it is helping ya'll out.
