I have RA but want to go Ice Skating | Arthritis Information


I finally learned how to ice skate 2 years ago (i wanted to learn since i was a kid but never had the chance) and it's my favorite activity ... but I got this stupid RA in september, and now I am afraid to go ice skating .. I am taking prednisone, so I recently got a bone density test and was told I am in the danger zone .. so now I can't go ice skating anymore because .. 1. my legs will be too stiff ... 2. I might fall and break a bone.  This cursed RA sucks!

What do you guys think?  Should I go ice skating anyways?  I can't describe how much I want to go ...



I know it's not the same... but maybe you could go to the rink and watch the people skate? Snuggle up with a special someone and drink hot cocoa?I don't know.  I mean, on the one hand if you fall you are more likely to break something. Are you willing to take the risk?  Maybe you could go at a time when the rink isn't so full and just give it a test run.  Personally I think I'd go for it, but that's just me.

personally I would go and just take it slow and easy..but thats me

RA does have its drawbacks, but then again, you have  got to live your life.

Probably not the safest thing to do, but then getting in your car on a snowy or icey day isn't either. We all take our chances, you just have to weigh the pros and cons "IF" you fall and break something.

When I was hunting down headphones for my daughter several years ago which were located on a very high shelf in my closet, I NEVER thought I would fall off the step stool and land on my wrist breaking it. I continue to use my step stool, cautiously now,,,, very cautiously.



I would go, they do have at ice arenas, if you ask for it something like a walker.  It is used by beginner skaters of all ages.  Check to see if they have any at your arena,  go ahead and use it that is what it si there for, to help people to skate without breaking a bone in the process.  My daughter used one for awhile it helped boost her confidence to skate and now she is fine.  This way you still skate and not have to worry about breaking a bone.  meme OOPs!

Hi Cindy, I say, go, take it slowly, do some leg stretches and "warm-up". If you feel up to it, do it, you only live once. If you should happen to fall and hurt yourself, that's the chance you take. Life is full of chances. If it's something you really want to do, do it, but just don't over do it.

Come back and tell us how much fun you had!

When I was getting my life back at this time last year, I decided I was taking my baby ice skating.  Mind you, I hadn't skated in...well, I'm certainly not writing the number of years down here :-) suffice to say it was a looooong time.  My husband was adamant that I not go.  He had to lace my skates and the entire time he's kvetching that I was going to fall and break something, or flare, or whatever.

Not only did I skate, I skated great (for an old broad :-).  You should have seen the look on his face, him standing there, with his mouth hung open.

Go for it!  Life is short!


I agree with Marianne.  She said it perfectly!   Don't let RA control your life!  Do what you love and live life to the fullest!  (and by that I mean as full as possible for YOU)  Life is full of challenges...and we are here for such a short time...live with no regrets.  I have a friend who has had RA since the age of 13.  She has had it for 31 years now and she continues to run 2 miles a day...goes on skiing trips quite frequently and is very active.  She refuses to let this disease control her life!  She truly is an inspiration to me.  I say go for it!  :)

Keep us updated! I would love to hear back.


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