Me again--about RA & fatigue | Arthritis Information


Well, today (it's only 3:20 pm now) I managed to go pick up my jacket I left somewhere last week, went out to lunch with friends, and then did the week's grocery shopping. I'm home now and exhausted. Except for writing bills and doing some reading, I think I'm done for the day. I started the topic about RA & fatigue a few pages back but I need reassurance again that this is normal and to be expected with RA. It is soooooo frustrating but, on the other hand, I tell myself maybe I need to feel lucky that I'm as functional as I am. It's just that I want to keep up with everyone else and I get exasperated by constantly adapting to the pain and tiredness.  Sound familiar, anyone?  Thanks, Linda

Hi, Linda! Unfortunately for me the fatigue and pain is always there. I know how frustrating it is when you have a huge to-do list and not even half way through you're already wiped out. The meds help a bit, but it always seems to be there. Some days I ignore it, but it always sneaks back up on me. I'm reasonably young and I'm in bed by 8:30-9pm.

 You were able to do all that? Lucky you!

THe fatigue just comes with the territory and hits like a ton of bricks when it comes. You sorta learn to manage it but I always find myself doing and overdoing when I feel less fatigued and less pain to make up for the days I am flat on my back in pain and completely exhausted.

I have learned to tuck in early, maybe watch some TV or a movie and do hand sewing ( hands permitting) or work on a small project. Even though I am not asleep ( fatigue days) I am still resting and can doze whenever. I keep  the phones nearby and when I start to ache really bad there is always a load of clothes to put in or dishes to tend to with the dishwasher.

When you have a busy day like today, plan for the fatigue and give yoruself a break and take it easy.

Do everything with moderation,( even moderation) pace yourself, and take care of yourself by knowing you will have the fatigue days.


jodejjr39435.7436689815Hey Chuck...

That was my major (1st) symptom. I still struggle with it. I have not been able to get my RA under control since being dxd in April. You are not alone in this feeling of having been slipped some sleep potion or something. Quite a few of us sleepy heads here. I will keep you in my prayers... Oh Linda, I too, know how you feel. It's been over two years and I sleep 10 to 12 hours a night. I take a nap in the afternoon around 4. I took my first enbrel shot 3 weeks ago and I woke up two days later a new woman! I had energy! I was so excited! It last for a few days but now I have an ear ache and feel tired again. I hope it's not infected. I gotta get it cked. My energy is getting better but I still pace myself. I am able to do more now and not get so tired. Fatigue is the worst!!! Hang in there, things will get better soon!Yes the fatigue is my least favorite thing of RA. Mine is worse on somedays then others. It is always bad. But some days pednisone helps and some days nothing helps. Wish i could plan ahead but that is out of the question at the moment. I see RD january 15th hope he can help. But yes definatly RA and fatigue.

hi everyone,

my name is Louise, I am 25, I'm from Ireland. well I guess this is the first time I'll be saying this to people I don't know. i have RA. wow I guess I don't feel any different. I stumbled in here while looking for some sort of info to help me feel better. I went to the doctor a year ago with fatigue and aches and pains and he did a blood test, when it came back he said everything was normal and sent me on my merry way. I kept picking up infections and felt  exhausted twenty four hours a day. Some days I am exhausted as soon as I open my eyes. I felt as though I was going mad. why did I always feel so out of it and wrecked. I have a three year old son and every night when I'm putting him to bed I fall asleep too. When he naps on my days off, I nap too. I was becoming more distressed. so I went back to the doctor and he gave me glucosamine. I still felt the same, only now to add to the exhaustion I was having pains in my hips, toes, wrists, shoulders,fingers and knees. so a year after I went to the doctor I return and he looks at my fingers and says that they are look how he would expect somebody with RA's fingers to look, so he repeated the blod test and decided that whatever the result he will be starting me on Salazopyrin (sulfasalazine). He then went on to tell me that because the last time that I was tested i had a neg rhematoid factor I may still have a neg Rfactor, but he is pretty certain that it is what I have. As 30% of people can have a neg factor.

I suppose in a way I am grateful that I have a 'label' for what is wrong with me. I don't feel like I am going insane anymore, in fact it is the opposite, this is 'normal' in a strange way.

I just wish that I could be my old self agan and have loads of energy. I find work exhausting and home exhausting even though my husband is great and helps me loads, I'm feeling really sorry for myself when i know I should't because there are people here with much worse symptoms than me and who are very sick.

I just wanted to add a message and say Hi all. and ask a few questions

will the fatigue go away?

will the medicine help you feel more like your old self?

will the symptoms get worse?

how long will the 'flares' last?

I hope you are all keeping well.

thank you


Hi Louise, I just want to say welcome to the boards and glad you "stumbled" in, but not glad for the reason of course!  You have come to a great place, lots of us here are RA negative, so your Dr is right - it's not unusual. So - WELCOME!!  You will find this to be a very helpful and caring community of people who are all going through the kinds of things that you are yourself.  So, ask away, it's a pretty scary time for you right now, but remember - we've all been there.

Have you been referred to a Rheumatologist - I would strongly advise that this happens for you, as it is important that your possible RA is detected,  treated and brought under control as early as possible to help prevent further damage, and to bring you relief.

As for your current questions, and I'll start with the first one, as you will have read in the posts on this thread preceding yours, fatigue is one of the least pleasant aspects of this disease.  Yes, it comes and goes, and sometimes for no reason that you can pinpoint.  It probably will lurk and sneak up on you when you least expect it - sometimes even after a period of feeling extremely well.  You just need to try and learn to pace yourself, and we have all had to learn that the hard way!! Make sure you get an iron check.  Many of these drugs cause anemia which makes you very very tired.

Irish, I hope these answers help you.

will the fatigue go away? - Some people keep the fatigue while others get better.  Some can be caused by anemia, a condition that can be caused by RA or medication.  The amount of wear and tear on a body by RA can bring a persons body into tired mode.  You need to pace yourself and be sure the right amount of relaxation.  If you suffer from depression or anxiety disorders due to being sick or other things, they will also drain you of energy and you might want to seek some help with medications for that as well.

will the medicine help you feel more like your old self? - Most people can get almost back to normal.  You won't see most of them posting here as those who are sick need someone to talk too so they are here (like me) most of the time, when you get better, people tend to spend more time outside of the computer world.  So don't let those of us who are still sick make you questionable on if you will get the proper help.  Most medications take a while to start working, some up to 6months or so, so don't be discouraged as help arrives.

will the symptoms get worse? - Everyone's sickness is different.  Some just have hands, some have a knee, while others go full body.  They say quickly getting treatment when first diagnosed can help it from getting worse.  I am on year 3, still trying to get help, but i am no worse than the first 6 months that i was diagnosed.  So everyone will be different.  My dad only has RA in his hands, it has not spread.

how long will the 'flares' last? - some last hours, some last weeks.  I am on day 5 of a flair because a doctor told me to lower my medications.  I am getting better, but it takes me at least a week to get back up.  If you have proper medication to knock the flair out, then it shouldn't take too long.  Just be sure to rest your RA spots when they act up, too much motion etc. can make them more inflamed or last longer.

I hope these answers helped you.

Don't be scared when people like me get up and complain that they are so bad.  An article i read about my odd swellings and breathing etc. were only shown in 2% of those with RA.  So I am a very rare person (there are a few of us here with my symptoms).  Don't think you will be like us, you will more than likely be like my father, he takes his medication and does just fine.

I wish you well, and be strong, there are cures (so the companies say) that should be out in 10 years as long as the test subjects work out.  That always gives me hope.

One company is the Garvan Institute in Australia, they were supposed to test human subjects in 2007, but they said spring of 2008 will start and in about 3-5 years they should test on RA patients and if that works, within 10 years the cure will be released.  They already cured RA in rats and it never came back, so they are really hoping it works on humans.  Most stuff that works on rats does work on humans, so fingers are always crossed.

God bless.

They already cured RA in rats and it never came back, so they are really hoping it works on humans.  Most stuff that works on rats does work on humans, so fingers are always crossed.


Hurrah!.......well cept for one thing we all know is coming.... the fine print if you will.........nobody will be able to afford the medicaiton and  let's see,  insurance will not cover it I right?


Welcome IrishLou.  It has been about 9months since I was diagnosed with RA, and I still have some of the same questions you just posted. I am taking quite a cocktail of meds and trying to be patient.  I thought I was doing better and then started flaring about three weeks ago which makes me feel like I have made very little progress.  But I know there is a delicate balance where the meds are concerned and I face each day with as much optimism I can. (Sometimes that optimism doesn't get me much past noon.)

Charlie Brown - I find the fatigue to be the most difficult thing about having RA.  Sometimes the idea of going to the bank, the post office, and the grocery store all in the same day is overwhelming.  I also have days where I am going along pretty well and then without warning I hit the great wall of fatigue.  When that happens I practically collapse into my bed.  It's frustrating, but I am learning to really prioritize.  You can't fly by the seat of your pants with RA.  Planning ahead really helps to alleviate stress or at least anticipate it. 


Hi there

thanks to everyone who posted a message it was so helpful I really appreciate you all taking the time to answer my little rant. I have to say I am feeling much better now after all you support


