Acronyms...What do they mean? | Arthritis Information


JSNM had a good point on one of the threads...that sometimes we don't know what some of the acronyms people use mean.

If you know any, can you post them and their meanings on this thread? Sorry for being so out of touch... dear husband or darling husband

Or, if you are mad at him or on the outs with him it can stand for darned husband or....well hopefully you get the picture

DD=dear daughter, DS=dear son, lol=laugh out loud, brb=be right back, mil=mother-in-law, fil=father-in-law, ttyl=talk to you later, lmao=laughing my a** off, roflmao=rolling on the floor lmao

I've been IMing my DD who's in Scotland, one day she sent BRB, what does that mean? So I sat there waiting for her to answer me, half hour later I learned she went to eat dinner. I hated that cell phone commercial where the little girl is talking to her mother in shorthand and I think they put what it meant on the screen, then a couple months later the same people only now the grandma was texting, now that was funny. Thanks Guys! Too funny Deidre...I think I've seen the the grandma commercial! I could barely keep up with what they were saying...

Yeah... I just cannot bring myself to use to those for kids or even my hubby. Because it would all be a BIG FAT lie! That is why I call them hubby, son or daughter.