Pain Medication | Arthritis Information


Good Morning!

I am just curious as to what pain meds you all think work best for you when you are experiencing pain.  I take tramadol (50mg)...and I really don't feel that it does much for my aches.  I have a RD appt. coming up in January and would like to discuss different options.  I am hoping I could get some suggestions of good pain meds that I could do a little research on and talk to my RD about.

Thank you!


Hi Lori...I have a difficult time with pain medication.  I've tried all knids and most make me sick and do nothing for the pain.  Last pain med I tried was the fentanyl patch.  It worked the best for me, but makes me VERY tired. 

Good luck!


HI Lori, When I was at my RD appointment last week, she asked me with what medications do I feel the best with. I said to be perfectly honest 10 mg of prednisone and a vicodin 5 every 4 years usually leaves me feeling good. I managed to stay off the prednisone for about 4 months but the pain was just out of this world.

So we compromised and said 7.5 of pred and I can take a pain pill every 4 while I am awake. Maybe not the best in management as far a Vicodin dependancy goes, But I do have to live at 41 and work etc. I do take a Flexeril 10 for fibro at night but after the end of a work day my back is usually screaming! I don't want to continue to up the meds cause one day when I am older and as I progress with RA I might have to turn to heavy guns.

Good luck and keep us posted !


I had problems with vicodin (i saw things that weren't there) so they put me on ultram without a problem.  But now i am on paxil and it stated on the medical paper that i can't take tramadol.  So i have to find something else.

I did like tramadol, it hit the spot, but it caused me to swell (digestion problem causes ra to get worse).  So i had to stop a short while ago.

Talk with a pharmacist about Paxil/tramadol.  You need to be careful, but you can most likely take them together.

I take Zoloft (another SSRI, very similar to Paxil), and have no problems with occasional tramadol.

Pain meds is a hard one to figure out. I have been thru this the last couple of months trying to find a pain med that did not make me paranoid or sleep too much.

I told my RD about why I do not like taking pain meds, but the pain was too much that pains meds was the only thing that could help with my pain. So... she tried to remember a pain med and finally gave it to me after the next visit to her. It was Panlor DC. Google it. It worked ok on my pain, but still some pain it did not touch until I took the maximum 3 she told me I could take. It did not make me sleepy, it actually made me stay awake, because of the caffiene in it. It also made me feel like my mind was clear and was able to think and function, unlike the other pain meds.

Hope you find a good pain med that works for you.

Once again, thank you so much for caring enough to answer my question.  I'm so glad I found this site... I was all alone in this until I found all you wonderful people.

I hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas!


I think tramadol effects everyone differently, but for me, it energized me and made me edgy.   I could never take tramadol/ultram within 8 hrs of going to bed or I'd be up all night.  You could try backing off the tramadol and just use the vicodin + xanax and that might work.  Best wishes.


I'm sorry you aren't feeling well.  I too have a hard time finding something to help me sleep when I'm in pain.

When I get really bad, I take my pain pills throughout the day too.  I find that it helps more and sometimes I can get a few hours sleep (as long as the flare isn't in my shoulders).

Hope you feel better soon.
