OT - Forum Codes | Arthritis Information


Can anyone give me a lesson on how to use the forum codes??!!


Hi Susan!

There is a link at the bottom of the "Post Reply" that has a bos that can be checked that says "Enable Forum Codes to format post"

If you click on the words "Forum Codes" a window will pop-up and there will be a list of codes this forum supports.

But you do not have to learn those codes if you have the Rich Text Editor turned on.  which then in turn will make your "Post Reply" look like the pic below. If you do not have the Rich Text Editor turned on you can change that by going to "settings" at the top of the page and click on "Edit Profile" there you will scroll Until you come to "Enable the WYSIWYG post editor" and select yes. Then click "Update Profile". Hope that helps. If not let me know and I will help ya some more.


Okay, call me dumb but I still don't know what to do.  I turned on everything you said but how do I apply the codes to the message?


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