Something I have Realized | Arthritis Information


I just realized today that I might be better than before, but I am still having trouble doing things. Like yesterday me & the in-laws went to wal-mart waiting for my 3 hours to go back for my bone scan and I was only walking around for 45 mins, and then I started hurting and getting stiff. MIL noticed I was starting to slow down and not able to keep up with her as I was when we first got into the store.

I guess it is damage that is causing this or something else. I really do feel better than before and nothing has swelled like it was and the pain I was having is not as bad. Except in my back & hip and when fibro decides to act up.

I don't know. I guess I am like everyone else on the board, expect a lot from the expensive meds, and yet they deliver what they can, but not relieve every thing wrong.

joonie39437.6125462963Nope, you are right. They can't do it all.

I do very well with the expensive meds. So far I am doing well with dietary therapy. But it is not quite enough yet! Plus stress messes me up big time.

It's a slow and steady sort of process, both getting better and getting worse. That's how I look at it.

Yep, that is it.

I guess I have been misled by the biological commercials

yeah... Everything has to get straightened out before getting to feeling better. Right now... RA is pretty much under control, at least I think so. My pain days are only a 3-4, when before they were in 7-8.

I like these expensive meds! I just wish they were the treat all med

I do agree with you, though. Those stupid commercials are pretty misleading, really. Oh, and how about the one for Lyrica, for fibromyalgia? It didn't agree with me at all, nor did it help my fibro pain. I felt sick, was shaky, felt goofy (real technical term

Anyway, I'm glad your pain level is down! You're right, nothing helps everything, but any help is good!

You may still have to slow down, but hopefully you will do it with less pain. Hope things continue to get better for you. Have a wonderful Christmas!

Snow Owl, I'm so sorry you are having such bad pain and fatigue. Sometimes we just cannot be cheerful, no matter how hard we try. I've heard many of our members say that their families are impatient or even just plain mean to them, because they are sick. I just cannot imagine how families can be like that with one another! We are always here for you, like we are for all of our members. You don't have anything that you need to be forgiven for! You didn't ask to be sick. Try not to let them get to you. It is their ignorance talking.

The fatigue of RA is, for me, one of the worst things about it. I think of all the things I want to do, that someone else must now do for me, and it can certainly be depressing. The difference is that I have a wonderful, supportive family. My sweet husband will tell me I must go lie down, that he can see I'm in agony and he wants me to feel better. We all deserve to have that kind of support from our loved ones. But just remember, we are here for you.

This is indeed a season of hope and forgiveness. And a season of joy, and trying to be thankful for the blessings in our life.

I hope you find some help for your pain and fatigue, very soon. I hope you have a joyful Holiday. You are in my prayers. God bless you.

Hugs, Nini

I am sorry, SnowOwl. I noticed you deleted your post on the chat thread. If ya would have left I probably would have replied back to ya. I was going to post asking why you deleted your post, but... figured I missed something.

I am sorry, you do not feel cheerful or festive. I was feeling like that before I got the remicade in me. I did not even want to decorate the tree, my mother-in-law had to put it up... it still is not decorated, but with the few ornaments my 3 year old put on it clumped together.

Last Christmas I was a bah-hum-bug. I refused to be cheerful or even want anything to do with Christmas. My hubby was quite POed with me, but when the day got around, I tried to be happy, but it was all fake.

I hope you can find something to help with your pain. And hope you feel better by Christmas.

