OT shortcut Christmas baking/need opinion | Arthritis Information


Need colored frosting and don't want to buy food coloring because the last time I did it was pricey for the couple drops I needed.  I just a saw a "recipe" that would give you a wide range of colors easily, if it works.  You add 1 tbsp. of sugar-sweetened Koolaid powder to a tub of vanilla frosting. 

Do you think that would taste okay?  My girls want to do a Christmas tree cake, so green Koolaid flavor frosting with M&Ms????  I wonder how strong the Koolaid flavor is.

I love the idea - just think how pretty purples would be!

I think it would be okay. I tsp of sugar sweetened kool-aid is mostly sugar, and a little Kool-aid flavour never hurt anyone!

If you do it, let us know how it works out.

koolaid works  so does jello

both very well actually... moisten either with just enough water to disolve..we are talking droplets here..

Good to know about the Jello, but too late because I'm back from the store!!!  No luck with the Koolaid - only unsweetened in green, but really, as sweet as frosting is, I wonder if that would matter?

Ended up spending more than I wanted on squeeze colored frosting and green sprinkles (luckily they were back in stock), but my girls will have fun.  They take after me - cooking is a pain, but decoration and presentation is a joy!!!!

We are also making Rudolph cookies that we saw at a class party.  You make sugar cookies, and right when you take them out, press in a red M&M nose, chocolate chip eyes (we are subbing brown M&M's), and two pieces of broken pretzels for antlers.  Very cute!!!  You could probably do the same thing on top of a cupcake, too, in the frosting.  Oh yeah, chocolate frosting, I'm getting a vision....

Yeah, I was gonna say....the recipes that I've seen say UN-sweetened koolaid packets. I think you should be good with those!

Unsweetened Koolaid and Jello.  Wow, where have I been?  This just opens up a whole new realm of possibilities with a color pallette beyond the food coloring kit.

My 11 yr. old wants a 'polka dot' birthday party in the spring.  I think I can pull that off now!

Sounds like a lot of fun, SuzyQ! [QUOTE=Suzanne]Unsweetened Koolaid and Jello.  Wow, where have I been?  This just opens up a whole new realm of possibilities with a color pallette beyond the food coloring kit.[/QUOTE]

Isn't it wonderful *LOL*. Combining "colours" increased the palette dramatically: I used Koolaid for the colours on my tootsie cookies that appear as my avatar.

I know some of my daughter's friends use kool-aid (unsweetened) to dye their hair. I don't know how long they leave it in but it sure is bright. I've seen green and red. Very festive. LOL


 I don't have a single pack of kool-aid in the house.Cindee!!!! We used to do that! And we'd temp. dye streaks with highlighters. Ah, those were the days. LOL

Hey, I wonder how it would cover my gray hair? Might have to test it out. My daughter (20 yrs next month) would freak if she came home and mom was decked out for the holidays with red hair. LOL

Nope, no kool-aid but I have lemonade with sugar already in it but I don't think that would look too good. LOL

Hey Suzanne - your in box is full - Merry Christmas ! CathyPS Happ - that was HILARIOUS - Merry Christmas Cathy
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