OT Getting ready for Santa | Arthritis Information


Well, the countdown has begun! Yesterday we took the kids to the Radio City Christmas Spectacular in the city. It was GREAT! Today is visiting FIL in nursing home and tomorrow is making my eggnog cheesecake and some appetizers and sides for Christmas day dinner. Tomorrow night is church (at 4pm) and then off to my neighbor's for some 'christmas cheer". I love this month. Also, it will be nice to have my closet back - it's become Santa's workshop lately and I can barely get inside to get my clothes out.   What are everyone else's plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. What's on the menu?

Merry Christmas Honey to you and all your family!

We are visiting friends on Christmas Eve, then at my mum's for Christmas Day for trad turkey lunch where my sister's family will be too, then on Boxing Day I have everyone (23 family members) chez moi for lunch - the men play golf first then roll down the hill having sunk a couple in the 19th hole

A Merry Christmas to everyone! God bless.


Happy Birthday Jesus and a merry Christmas to everyone with arthritis. I hope you are comfortable and happy. All my love Beckyxx

We're off to my husband's family dinner today.  Tomorrow I'll be making dinner for my side of the family.  Then Christmas day will just be our family here.  My son, dil and Bailey are staying here for a week, so I'm enjoying being a Gramma for that time

Merry Christmas everyone!!


Merry Christmas Honey, and everyone.
We are having a small Christmas this year, just my FIL who is about to arrive as I write, hubby, daughter and myself.   We are having a traditional English Christmas dinner with turkey etc, though we cant do bread sauce (everyone is gluten free!) so I will do some creamed leeks instead.    I bought my gluten and dairy free Xmas pudding about four weeks ago, and this year I have made sure that we have enough brandy to light it!    Last year we forgot the brandy.   
Bit of a sad time of the year for us though as my  MIL died  just before Xmas three years ago so we all still wish she was here.

Merry Christmas to All and I pray everyone will be pain free on Christmas Day!!

We have thanksgiving at my MIL house in Arkansas and Cristmas at my house in Texas.  My MIL and FIL will come in on Christmas Eve and I will get my mom from the nursing home Christmas Morning.  It will be a late celebration for us this year My DH has to work both eve and day.  So we will celebrate when he gets home Christmas afternoon.  But my girls are old enough to wait so it is not so bad.  Hope everyone is happy and surronded by loved ones.



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