burning up | Arthritis Information


I am so shivery and feel like I'm burning up just now - is this usual?  Also I keep having pain in my back in the area below my bra strap and above my waist band -can ra get you there too?  I'm at my mum and dads house with hubby just now and everyone keeps saying there's no way its ra - i feel like such a fool - I feel shaky and just rotten and they just keep saying Rheumy said it wasn't - they just don't believe I have it and I SO do.  I feel
Sorry for the moan.

Oh no, that pain...I know it very well.Got it right now.Even made a trip to the emergency room because of it.Worse than the gallbladder attack I had back in Oct.

I was told by my orthopedic that I had inflamation in my back somewhere that was pinching a nerve.She put me on predisone and it helped until I started to decrease the dose(I was on a 6 day pack).Pain is back and I feel awfulagain, but just got a new 6 day pack,took  those pills so fast I almost choked.

I have no dx. either.But orthopedic beleives that I have some form of arthrits.My rheumy and her are in the same practice which is a good thing.

You need some predisone.I know it hurts, one of the worst pains I have ever had....right up there with labor and enodmetriosis.Heating pad and icey hot helped me and sitting in a nice comfy chair with my back up against the heating pad helped.

I am feeling your pain right now, and I KNOW it really hurts.


Thank you for the sympathy - I'm shakin and burning and blue.  boo hoo. I get that all the time. Isn't it a bummer. RD thinks it is partly neuropathic so I'm trying to research it.



Have you taken your temp. (just asking) do you have a fever?  Whenever I get that back pain I always (or used to always) take my temp first just to rule infection out.  This must be so confusing for you, I'm no doctor but just the stress alone: "Is this RA....Is it not....Is it something else?  The constant questioning "What's wrong with me" can fatigue your system so much and play havoc with your nerves.  It would be one thing if you knew what was wrong exactly but it sounds like you don't, or your doctors don't and you must be so uptight.

I remember feeling soooo horrible and crappy when this all first happened to me and they diagnosed palindromic rhuematism, after a couple hospital trips...trips and trips to the doctor's, x-rays etc.. and finally an RD. I honestly thought I was losing my mind because they couldn't find out what was wrong.  It's so hard to go through what you're going through I totally sympathize.  Hang in there Julie, you will have all the answers to what's going on with you soon.

Jackie, thanks for that, you hit the nail right on the head - its exactly how I'm feeling - and feeling better because I know I'm not alone.

I keep missing you guys coz of the time difference - sorry - its like ships in the night

Julie; I've been out of town this weekend and hate to see you're having a hard time.

Just wanted to let your know you'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there girl...we know how hard this time is for you.


Thanks - missed u 
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